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Metabolism and redox signalling share critical nodes in the nervous system. In the last years, a series of major findings have challenged the current vision on how neural reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced and handled in the nervous system. Once regarded as deleterious by-products, ROS ...
Alzheimer’s diseaseβ-amyloidneuroinflammationCholesterol is an essential substance for maintaining normal structure and function of the brain. But unfortunately, a long-term high-cholesterol diet can lead to a variety of pathological changes of the brain such as β-amyloid (Aβ) accumulation, Tau ...
Reactive gliosis in Alzheimer's disease: A crucial role for cognitive impairment and memory loss. Metabolic Brain Dis- ease, 851–857, 851–857. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11011-022- 00953-2 Derouiche, A., & Frotscher, M. (2001). Peripheral astrocyte processes: Monitorin...