Asterisks on the x-axis mark proteins that have been identified in each replicate of the iA pulldown but in none of control or iQ replicates and thus represent highly significantly enriched proteins. a, enriched HDACs and proposed off-targets are highlighted (two sided t-test, p value ...
Mang-Theory (Universes Theory) texts: "Mang-Literary, Mang-Poem, Mang-Theory, Mang-Text"; "The cognitive suitcase of existence, and Universes this amnesia entropy Wenmang Action(Start with ‘Glömskans tid’ in Kjell Espmark)"; "Wenmang Action: Universes Writing●Universes Literary●Universes ...
medical science and molecular biology. Many technologically relevant applications contain heterovalent species, for which a comprehensive understanding of the atomic charge involved in the dynamics of processes is of great interest. The importance of assigning a valence to ions derives...
A laboratory for the use of AI for drug development has been launched in collaboration with Pfizer, Teva, AstraZeneca, Mark and Amazon Posted in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - Applications in Therapeutics, Disease Biology, Drug Discovery Chemistry, Machine Learning, Pharmaceutical Discovery, Phar...
Precision Cell therapies – engineered by synthetic biology Anti CD19 – drug approved CAR-T cells still face major problems success limited to B cells cancers = blood vs solid tumors adverse effects OFF-TUMOR effects Cell engineering for Cancer Therapy: User remote control (drug) – user control...
Mouse: MIR290-SE-TG ESCs This paper N/A Mouse: Sox2-SE-NanogRGM ESCs Stelzer et al., 2015 N/A Mouse: miR290-SE-NanogRGM ESCs Stelzer et al., 2015 N/A Mouse: SOX2-SE-TG Δpeak 1-CAST ESCs This paper N/A Mouse: SOX2-SE-TG Δpeak 2-CAST ESCs This paper N/A Mouse: SOX2...
New data is emerging from evolutionary anthropology and the neuroscience of social cognition on our species-specific hyper-cooperation (HC). This paper att
Given the prevalence of stress biology mechanisms in cancer recurrence and metastatic disease, compounds that inhibit PERK represent a differentiated opportunity for the treatment of cancer. Small molecule PERK inhibitors have been previously documented in the patent literature10 as well as journal publicat...
Communications Biology volume 4, Article number: 93 (2021) Cite this article 97k Accesses 1695 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Emerging outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is a major threat to public health. The morbidity is increasing due to lack...
25 Current Biology. Note. For each sub-plot every data point depicts an individual’s CPP build-up rate for condition a (as described on the x-axis), and condition b (as described on the y-axis). r denotes the correlation between the two experimental conditions using Pearson’s r. ...