iPad iPhone 简介 Calling all dedicated Ark Survivors, Tamers, and Breeders! There are a few things no member of the Ark should be without: a bed, food, a water source, and knowledge of their dinos' stats! Ark Dino Stats is a convenience tools for storing the stats of your best and fa...
Ark Dino Stats评分及评论 3.7(满分 5 分) 6 个评分 X945678,2018/10/17 Ability to edit I would give 5 stars except for the inability to edit Dino profiles once entered. People change the names of Dino’s when given away, or to lower members of the tribe. As it is now I have to ...
Dino Spawn Configuration Engram Config Tool PerLevelStatsMultiplier Tool Windows Servers Windows Scripts Linux Servers Server Settings Server Commands Item/Creature ID's Resource Classes Engram Indexes Get Your IP We have updated our site and moved a few things. An updated version of thi...
27 28 29 下一页 页数27 / 29 Members 42 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A ARK Volunteer PC Tester 293 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A 在2021/1/12 在 PM2点49分,olT3lo说: Would love it if you could add the option to add FTP information for a server s...
Character & Dino Stats Customization Tool PlayerDamageMultiplier Value is a Float and Default is 1 Modifies damage players deal with their attacks. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it. ...
Forgot to note the stats of a creature before leveling up? This tool helps to retreive the values that matter for breeding. Now you can also save your extracted stats in a library, see which creature has the best stats and view the pedigree of your pets.
(future) Taming stats and foods This project does not contain assets from Ark. It installs and updates them via regular Steam tools. Requirements Git Python 3.10 (probably compatible with later but untested) pipenv Getting Started Make sure you have the Obelisk git repo cloned to output git cl...
I’m unsure if the Gigantoraptor stats affect the range of its scan, but you can simply kill the targeted dino or leave the immediate area to reset the scan again at a better position. Since you need about ~20 targets to bond a high lvl dino, you don’t need to worry about ...
Dino Stats are now retained properly when uploading/downloading across maps Fixed a bug where Wild Dinos were not naturally recovering their Torpor over time Max Level increased by 4 for Players and Dinos Configurable Low/Medium/Far Targeting & Wander Range for Pets Omni Electric Lamp Reinforced Ce...
Rod asked. “After we beat Doug, we will get everyone out to the area and get out all our Rexes and Theris that have the same stats as the ones we used. Then we’ll walk up to the volcano wth them, one by one, leading everyone up. Then we activate the tek cave. Now we ...