简介 Calling all dedicated Ark Survivors, Tamers, and Breeders! There are a few things no member of the Ark should be without: a bed, food, a water source, and knowledge of their dinos' stats! Ark Dino Stats is a convenience tools for storing the stats of your best and favorite dinos...
Ark Dino Stats评分及评论 3.7(满分 5 分) 6 个评分 X945678,2018/10/17 Ability to edit I would give 5 stars except for the inability to edit Dino profiles once entered. People change the names of Dino’s when given away, or to lower members of the tribe. As it is now I have to ...
ARK Survival Evolved application that monitors and extracts data from local ARK servers and exposes this data through a Web App, Web API and Discord Bot. Provides important functions to players: dino listings, food-status, breeding info, statistics; and server admins: rcon-commands, server managi...
Character & Dino Stats Taming Config Tool Dino Spawn Configuration Engram Config Tool PerLevelStatsMultiplier Tool Windows Servers Windows Scripts Linux Servers Server Settings Server Commands Item/Creature ID's Resource Classes Engram Indexes Get Your IP ...
Larkator : ARK Dino Finder Reads your ARK. Finds your dinos. What is is? Need help locating your next high-stat tame for better dino breeding? Larkator uses your ARK save file to help you locate both wild and tamed creatures. Features ...
Dino Stats are now retained properly when uploading/downloading across maps Fixed a bug where Wild Dinos were not naturally recovering their Torpor over time Max Level increased by 4 for Players and Dinos Configurable Low/Medium/Far Targeting & Wander Range for Pets Omni Electric Lamp Reinforced Ce...
How exactly does this work? Just start the program, start ark, find a dino, say the command, get taming info? How would it work on a dual monitor setup? I usually have ark in my main window and the breeder program open on the 2ns monitor. ...
If their random improvements have gone to less useful stats (such as Food), the hunter may kill or abandon the unconscious dino and search for another. Which improvements are desirable will depend on the animal's species and intended use. For instance, it is usually pointless to level up ...
If their random improvements have gone to less useful stats (such as Food), the hunter may kill or abandon the unconscious dino and search for another. Which improvements are desirable will depend on the animal's species and intended use. For instance, it is usually pointless to level up ...
Cheats for God mode, unlocking recipes, and infinite stats First up, player cheats. These are all cheats that are focused on you specifically, whether you're turning on good, old God mode, changing your size, or learning engrams. This is also where we've got your cheats to immediately ...