cheatsummon<生物ID><等级>:召唤指定等级的生物 cheatdestroywilddinos:消灭所有野生生物 cheatplayersonly:暂停除玩家外的所有运动 cheatghost:穿墙模式 cheatwalk:关闭穿墙模式 生物相关命令: cheatSetTargetDinoColor<区域><颜色编号>:给当前目标染色 cheatForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe<玩家名>:将指定...
If you have the admin password, use the 'EnableCheats ' command to start using cheats. Some cheats will require the prefix 'admincheat'. In singleplayer, you don't need to worry about a prefix. Just type them and press Enter. The cheats are written in bold below (and they're not ...
AdminCheatDestroyAllDestroysallObjects/Dinosofaclassname删除所有物件及恐龙 AdminCheatSummonSummonsadinoatyourlocation.召唤一只恐龙到当前位置 AdminCheatGiveItemNumGivesyouanitem.给指定的物品请参照下面的物品ID>>例1:giveitemnum10511false给储存箱1个 StatFPSShowsyourFPSandlatency,usablebyanyone.显示帧数 ---...
1、ARK方舟生存进化代码大全方舟指令按 进进把持台*24号补钉之后进进把持台改按 TAB乌色是下令,绿色是中英道明-多人形式-SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启做弊选单SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu 闭闭做弊选单AdminCheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelists a player 将玩家设为黑名单...
(Beta) Portal displaying the incorrect level requirement, now correctly displays level 50 Fixed Dino Candy causing creatures to display erroneous heart icon next to their stats Fixed Cosmetic Tab not remembering its sorting preset Disabled the use of various console commands used to gain visual ...
多色恐龙插件【Dino Colors Plus】野人[NPC Bush Peoples】霸王龙盔甲【Pimp My Rex】影迷服饰【Fandom Fineries恐龙盔甲【Pimp My Dino】魔法面具【Magic Mask Chest Ultimate】发型皮肤【Cute Hair】中心地图【The Center】史诗岛屿地图 【ARK: Survival Evolved】瓦尔哈拉群岛地图【Valhalla】夏果群岛地图【ShigoIslands...
1 = Normal Speed 设定时间速度 lt;1-5gt; ,1=正常速度 AdminCheat PlayersOnly Freezes all Dinos at their current position. Also freezes crafting. 冻结所有恐龙行动,制作中的工作也会受影响 AdminCheat Ghost Noclip, walk through walls/objects. 穿墙模式 AdminCheat ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can...
3.20 SetCheatPlayer 3.21 ClearPlayerInventory 3.22 GetAllState 3.23 GiveExpToTarget 3.24 GiveInfiniteStatsToTarget 3.25 KickPlayer 3.26 Kill 3.27 KillAOE 3.28 KillPlayer 3.29 RenamePlayer 3.30 RenameTribe 3.31 TakeAllDino 3.32 TakeAllStructure 3.33 LevelUp 3.34 LevelUpAOE 3.35 LevelUpTarget 4 Teleport...
Ark: Survival Evolved Dino Commands DoTame - Tames targeted tameable creature, crashes server if done while mounted DumpDinoStats - Dumps into the console the stats of the dino you're riding or targeting RainCritters <NumCritters> <SpreadAmount> <ZOffset> - Spawns dodos and sheep...
主题发表 DinoFan到General Discussion I've been playing this Fjordur world on my Xbox since official shut down. I always load as non-dedi, even though it is just me - to avoid any SP nerfs. The game crashes every so often, so I always "admincheat save world" frequently and before ...