iPad iPhone 简介 Calling all dedicated Ark Survivors, Tamers, and Breeders! There are a few things no member of the Ark should be without: a bed, food, a water source, and knowledge of their dinos' stats! Ark Dino Stats is a convenience tools for storing the stats of your best and fa...
Ark Dino Stats评分及评论 3.7(满分 5 分) 6 个评分 X945678,2018/10/17 Ability to edit I would give 5 stars except for the inability to edit Dino profiles once entered. People change the names of Dino’s when given away, or to lower members of the tribe. As it is now I have to ...
DinoStats String DinoStats is a string that contains a comma separated list of base stats to give the dino< base stats are: Health, Stamina, Torpidity, Oxygen, Food, Water, Temperature, Weight, MeleeDamageMultiplier, SpeedMultiplier, TemperatureFortitude, CraftingSpeedMultiplier Syntax example: "...
The Argentavis is the perfect animal to tame for players looking to get around the map at a much quicker pace. Since Argentavis is a flying dino, they have higher stamina and health compared to other more well-known creatures such as the Pteranodon. While they aren’t as fast as a Pteran...
Attack TypeDamageProjectile ValuesTorpor ValuesStatus Effect: StaminaStatus Effect: Torpidity LifeImpulseRadiusBaseMultDurationDamage MultAmountDurationDamage MultAmount Melee 32 Wild Stats Level-upType in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level ...
Otherwise, you can't use cheats while playing online. And if you're looking for other ways to enhance Studio Wildcard's dino survival game, don't forget to check out list of the best Ark mods. Sims 4 cheats: Life hacksGTA 5 cheats: Phone it inStardew Valley cheats: Farm faster...
How exactly does this work? Just start the program, start ark, find a dino, say the command, get taming info? How would it work on a dual monitor setup? I usually have ark in my main window and the breeder program open on the 2ns monitor. ...
All stats in ARK are based around a point system. This is the allocation to each stat from its current level. The easiest way to see and understand this is on Dododex. The picture below is a wild 150 Giga that I knocked out. I input the wild dino’s stats and you an see just to...
27 28 29 下一页 页数27 / 29 Members 42 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A ARK Volunteer PC Tester 293 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A 在2021/1/12 在 PM2点49分,olT3lo说: Would love it if you could add the option to add FTP information for a server s...
Stats BASE STATS StatBase (Lvl 1) Increase Per Lvl (Wild) Increase Per Lvl (Tamed) Rank* Health 2,400+480+4.86% HIGH Ranked 19 of 165 Stamina 300+30+10% AVG Ranked 65 Oxygen ——— Food 8,000+800+10% HIGH Ranked 7 Weight ...