所以我想用它MCU通过I2C同时读取两个接口MPU6050数据,但网上只读取单个数据MPU6050数据。为防止后续忘记,做以下记录。 MCU型号:Arduino 传感器型号:MPU6050 IDE环境 : Arduino IDE MPU6050基础介绍: Integrated sensor with 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope and a temperature sensor with I2C interface. Pin 定义...
because the I2C-bus is slow. A sensor with SPI interface is faster.注意
Arduino温度传感器和数字显示(中)Arduino DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Interface 02:42 Arduino无人机(难) Build an Arduino Quadcopter 05:56 Arduino无线门铃(中) Arduino Wireless Doorbell 02:48 Arduino小项目 手机遥控车 机器蜘蛛 自动饮水机(中)3 Creative ideas with Arduino 10:12 Arduino序列输出(易)...
But before you can start experimenting with the GY-87 IMU module, you need to know how to interface it with your Arduino board. That’s where this blog comes in! In the following paragraphs, we’ll cover the basics of the GY-87 IMU module, how to set it up, and how to write the...
The next step is to upload the firmware to the controller board with Arduino IDE or other means like an ISP programmer but the latest is more suited for experienced users that will know how to do it. For now we will keep this simple and use the Arduino IDE to upload the firmware do ...
Adafruit MPU6050 This is the Adafruit MPU6050 6-DoF Accelerometer and Gyro Library for Arduino Tested and works great with the Adafruit MPU6050 Breakout Board This chip uses I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, ...
Full tutorial:https://www.instructables.com/id/Controlling-a-Neopixel-Led-Ring-With-a-Gesture-Sen Keyboard exploit In this project i'm using an arduino leonardo to simulate a possible USB attack using HID (humain interface device). YouTube video:https://youtu.be/PsYTfWgX3eU ...
With Sensor| **Precision Motion Sensing for Advanced Projects** The 1Set IIC I2C GY-521 MPU-6050 MPU6050 3 Axis Analog Gyroscope Sensors + Accelerometer Module is a versatile and reliable component for a wide range of applications. Designed for use with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, this module ...
Arduino Processing|Stm32 Vs Esp32|Integrated Circuits:Seamlessly integrates with Arduino, STM32, and other microcontrollers for heart rate and blood oxygen calculation. Power Supply:Supports a versatile power supply of 1.8-3.3V-5V, ensuring compatibility with various devices. I2C Interface:Features a ...