The circuit diagram,for interfacing MPU6050 with Arduino, is very simple here we have used an LCD and MPU6050. And here we have used alaptop USB power supply. A 10k pot is used for controlling the brightness of the LCD. In connection with MPU6050, we have done 5 connections in which we...
The MPU6050 sensor module consists of an accelerometer and gyro on a single chip. It contains analog-16 bits in the digital converter for each channel. So it can capture the x, y, and z channels at the same time. The sensor uses I2C-bus to interact with Arduino or any other microcontro...
Following code reads data from MPU-6050 gyro sensor connected with arduino. For complete code and its description visit >>. #include const int MPU = 0x68; // MPU6050 I2C address float AccX, AccY, AccZ; float GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ; float accAngleX, accAngleY, ...
Here in this article we are considering the gyroscope only. Many guys find it very difficult to interface gyroscope to arduino or any other microcontroller based system. But it can be done very easily and I will show how it is done. According to the MPU6050 datasheet, the raw gyroscope out...
pictures & streaming through higher quality is possible. This module includes a LEGO-style enclosure with a grove connector which is perfect for connecting additional M5-Stack expansions such as; the MPU6050 gyroscope or accelerometer, a microphone, and a BME280 temperature, pressure & humidity ...
DC Motor Hardware Connection with ESP32ESP32 interfacing with DC Motor DC Motor Control using ESP32 and Arduino IDE Here, we are going to change the rotational direction of the DC motor using ESP32. Here, to change the direction of the motor here we have used the web server. L293D motor...
Ultrasonic HC-SR04 interfacing with ESP32 Measuring Distance Using ESP32 and Ultrasonic Sensor Let’s interface the Ultrasonic sensor to ESP32 and display the distance in CM and Inch on the serial monitor. In this application, we are using the Ping example that comes withArduino IDEin theSensor...
1. Arduino librarysupports only FAT16 and FAT32file systems. Make sure that your SD card isformatted with these two onlyotherwise you will get an initialization error. 2. For formatting your SD card you can download the SD formatter on the following link -