Recent studies suggest that intrahepatic cholestasis leads to the elevation of serum apolipoprotein E (apo E) levels. Thus, our AIM was to systematically investigate the serum concentration and phenotype of apo E in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)....
ROS-associated chemotherapy related ApoA-I oxidation leads to elevation of peripheral levels of tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) that can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) causing a signaling cascade that can contribute to neuronal death, likely a contributor to what patients refer to as "chemo...
These findings reveal that elevated brain iron has adverse outcomes on AD progression, and introduce that brain iron elevation is a possible mechanism behind ApoE4 being the major genetic risk factor for AD [16,18,19]. Iron has therefore been considered as a missing link between ApoE and AD ...
This is particularly relevant to dyslipidaemias characterized by an elevation in plasma triglycerides. Apolipoproteins, especially apoB, could also replace the standard 'lipid profile' as a target for therapy in at-risk patients. 展开 关键词: military personnel Healthy People 2000 health behaviors ...
During the first 12 months, this elevation was relatively Y.-M. Kuo et al.: Apolipoprotein E and Amyloid Deposition 433 Fig. 1. Quantification of apolipoprotein E (apoE) and cholesterol in brain and of amyloid-  (A) peptides in plasma and brain. Concentra- tions for tg2576 (...
TG elevation was suggested to be caused by an increased VLDL production due to weight-gain, accompanied by retarded VLDL clearance attributable to the ε4 allele – the mechanism of which is explained deeper in a review by Phillips6. Indeed, our longitudinal, as well as cross-sectional results...
Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] has been considered to be a predictor of premature coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Lp(a) levels are largely genetically determined, but the detailed mechanism of Lp(a) elevation is uncertain. We examined the association between Lp(a) levels and...
The elevation in 3/4 genotype frequencies was also found in premenopausal group (21.6%) and in patients with advanced tumor (77.7%). Body mass index (BMI) and familial incidence did not show association with APOE genotype. The results suggest the influence of APOE genotype on development of ...
The increase in the potentially atherogenic remnant lipoproteins and the decrease in HDL are associated with an increased risk for atherosclerosis, even in the absence of the LDL elevation, which is characteristic of FH. The increase in apo E-enriched HDL could reflect a compensatory mechanism that...
The elevation of LPS level in chlorpyrifos treated mice is a reason behind the higher level of gut epithelium breakdown which was demonstrated by gut permeability assay. In addition, systemic inflammation could induce inflammation in insulin-responsive tissues which consequently caused insulin resistance ...