临近考试,学生可以开始专攻写作了(尤其是DBQ)。建议一周完成1至2篇,考前保持手感。确保在考试前至少完成6篇写作。 备考书籍推荐 1)The Earth and Its Peoples:A Global History, by Richard W. Bulliet,这本书是大部分北美高中历史老师会选择的教辅,内容比较翔实,阅读性很强。 2)Princeton AP World History,这...
)The Official SAT Subject Tests in U.S.History & World History Study Guide 这本书就是College Board官方出版的,专门给大家讲述美国历史和世界历史的准备方式的教材,这本书的最大卖点就是官方,里面的真题数量并不是特别多,但是好在能够给大家一个机会,看看真考的题目的难度到底是怎样的。 2American Pageant...
you will get a final scaled score for AP World History on ascale of 1-5. This is a cumulative score that combines your raw scores from each of the four parts of the test (Multiple Choice, Short Answer, DBQ,
The popularity of the World History test means that 5 rates and pass rates might be skewed lower.The greater the number of students taking an exam, the more likely it is that a large proportion of them will come into it under-prepared. This often happens when an AP test is closely relat...
世界历史:现代 World History: Modern 一道大题 Question 1:45分钟,占比100% 题型: Modified Document-Based Question (DBQ) 考试描述: 学生将收到5份历史资料,其中一份为非文字资料。 考察内容: 用historically defensible thesis or claim that establishes a line of reasoning回应DBQ题目的能力 ...
FRQ部分的最高成绩是 Short Answer Question #2 关于women and the World War II。21%的AP美国历史系学生在绘制 developments in women’s history from 1900–1941 and from 1944–1970时取得了满分。 在今年的AP美国历史考试中,成绩最低的是Short Answer Question #3那些选择了关于American Indian relations with...
We updated Section II of the AP history exams (document-based question and long essay question) and the generic rubrics. · The synthesis point has been removed from both rubrics. · Students will have 10 more minutes to answer the DBQ and long essay question. ...
Course identification: title: ap world History and Enriched English 10History ReadingsLiterary Analysis EssayComparison/Contrast EssayDBQ EssayChange over Time EssayHistory ReadingsLiterary Analysis Essays
That depends on you. If you don’t want to only use your notes, there are tons of resources out there, and a lot of them are free too. College Board has anAP US History pagewith an official practice test which can help you get comfortable writing both the LEQ and the DBQ within the...
HistoryTeacher.netis a great choice for DBQ practice for the AP U.S. History test because it provides a vast selection of document-based questions, scoring rubrics, and examples of successful essays, as well as tips and strategies to help students improve their skills in analyzing primary ...