united as one behind a single banner. This feeling was not shared by all Americans however. Many believed that it was wrong for the United States to impose it’s will upon other areas of the world. In (Document 2) they almost call out downright exploitation of native people. Many American...
这本书常居CB官网美国历史的“Example Textbook”名录(详见链接https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-united-states-history/course-audit?course=ap-united-states-history),作者是美国历史学界两位重量级的专家,在学术界是美国历史研究的必读...
这本书常居CB官网美国历史的“Example Textbook”名录(详见链接https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-united-states-history/course-audit?course=ap-united-states-history),作者是美国历史学界两位重量级的专家,在学术界是美国历史研究的必读书目。 当然了,它的阅读量实在太大,单词难度也高,要是没有半年的...
因此熟知时间线和史实对于得到AP5分是至关重要的。 AP世界史DBQ:考不熟悉的冷门内容越来越多,更考察大家透过现象看本质的能力 AP世界史考试会有越来越多冷门知识出现,比如DBQ热门考点是女权和中东地区,但是中东+女权这类比较少考察的内容在真题中出现,考察时间也是比较冷门的。 另外,现在考试不再仅考察某个考点,而...
#2: Practice Outlining Essays (Especially the DBQ) It's critical to write well-organized, coherent essays on the World History test, but statistics indicate that a large majority of students struggle with this aspect of the exam. In 2021 (the last year DBQ-specific scores were released),resu...
不过art hist我上过,在我们高中算history不算art,我觉得比所有历史类都容易太多。 stats 没上过,不过公认是数学里面最容易的 中等: European, world, US history,取决于你是否擅长写dbq,我觉得这三门都很难 biology, chemistry 我觉得都不容易,biology相对简单点 calc AB,BC,取决于你数学是否好 English lang ...
这本书常居CB官网美国历史的“Example Textbook”名录(详见链接https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-united-states-history/course-audit?course=ap-united-states-history),作者是美国历史学界两位重量级的专家,在学术界是美国历史研究的必读书目。
Official AP World History Free-Response Questions TheAP Course and Exam Descriptioncontainsan up-to-date sample Document-Based Question (DBQ) and Long Essay prompt. Even if you don't do a makeshift practice test with new and old course descriptions as suggested above,I strongly advise that you...
That depends on you. If you don’t want to only use your notes, there are tons of resources out there, and a lot of them are free too. College Board has anAP US History pagewith an official practice test which can help you get comfortable writing both the LEQ and the DBQ within the...
AP World History DBQ Catherine Phamduy 3/18/12 Western Imperialism As the human population grew in numbers‚ the world became smaller‚ leading to imperialism‚ and as a result‚ a rise in racial superiority‚ native culture intrusions‚ and the expansion of many different colonies. Add...