8. World History for Us All: The Experience of Colonialism 网址: https://www.freeman-pedia.com/https://whfua.history.ucla.edu/units/seven/landscape/07_landscape5.pdf 尽管是面向教师的资源,但是学生也可以直接通过这份...
——AP世界史8本教科书1. Worlds together Worlds apart 1st.pdf2. World History Patterns of Interaction.pdf3. Ways of the World with sources for AP 3rd.pdf4. Voyages in World history 2nd.pdf5. traditions and encounters 6th.pdf6. The earth ...
1. Worlds together Worlds apart 1st.pdf2. World History Patterns of Interaction.pdf3. Ways of the World with sources for AP 3rd.pdf4. Voyages in World history 2nd.pdf5. traditions and encounters 6th.pdf6. The earth and its peoples 4th.pdf7. Philip's atlas of world history.pdf8. Patte...
Long essay question的满分是6分,具体要求与DBQ相似,除了不需要分析材料;但是也正因为无材料可分析,...
历史评分指南apeuropean history.pdf,® AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2009 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 1— -Based Question yze attitudes toward and evaluate the motivations behind the European acquisition of African colonies in the period 1880 to 1914. BASIC CORE:
We updated Section II of the AP history exams (document-based question and long essay question) and the generic rubrics. · The synthesis point has been removed from both rubrics. · Students will have 10 more minutes to answer the DBQ and long essay question. ...
Our choice for additional DBQ practice: Freeman-Pedia Freeman-Pediais a great place to practice DBQs for the AP World History test because it has a large number of document-based questions, scoring rubrics, examples of good essays, and tips and strategies to help students get better at analyz...
世界历史:现代 World History: Modern 一道大题 Question 1:45分钟,占比100% 题型: Modified Document-Based Question (DBQ) 考试描述: 学生将收到5份历史资料,其中一份为非文字资料。 考察内容: 用historically defensible thesis or claim that establishes a line of reasoning回应DBQ题目的能力 ...
Document-Based Question (DBQ) Recommended time: 1 Hour (includes 15-minute reading period) | 25% of Exam Score Students are presented with 7 documents offering various perspectives on a historical development or process. Students assess these written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical ...
1、Heimler’s History / Crash Course: World History 网址:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_bOoi0e3L3SJ1xx5TZWHPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yocja_N5s1I&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9&index=1 还在为不知道如何应对世界历史的LEQ和DBQ而发愁吗?Heimler老师绝对能救大家于水火。他通过在线短视...