首先在一小时内选择回答80题,难度可想而知。此外,还有一篇DBQ和两篇FRQ。DBQ 即基于试卷上提供的资料信息来答题,堪称整个考试里最难的部分,主要是考察分析能力、记忆力和语言和资料运用能力,满分即9分,只有极少数考生能达到;FRQ即根据命题进行写作回答,因为没有原始资料的提示,这部分的答题对考生也很有挑战性。 A...
AP WORLD HISTORY DBQ WORKSHEET PROMPT Historical Thinking Skill (Compare, Change, Causation) Categories (Compare what? What kind of change? etc.) Time Period (remember: 18th century = 1700s, and so on) DOCUMENT WORK (preliminary) Document 1 Main Idea Outside Evidence HAPP (HIPP) Document 2...
2. 刷真题~刷真题~在CB官网有很多AP历史的历年真题,官方给出的学生考试范文sample A一般都是满分,写的好的地方和差的地方以及扣分的原因都有官方的详细说明;除了sample,官方还给出了题目解题分析要点,帮助我们打开思路。找不到真题的小伙伴可以找赛思老师领取,不仅是AP历史,我们专业的老师们会为大家详细整理AP每一...
united as one behind a single banner. This feeling was not shared by all Americans however. Many believed that it was wrong for the United States to impose it’s will upon other areas of the world. In (Document 2) they almost call out downright exploitation of native people. Many American...
How Did Rome Lessen The Use Of Technology Dbq Tu Shih was a generous and peaceful governor. He loved the common people and wished to save them from having to do so much work, so he invented a water-powered blowing-engine to make the casting of iron farming equipment easier. Fuxi, a my...
Part A:DBQ 1道,占比25%,时长1小时; Part A:essay 1道,占比15%,时长40分钟。 由于AP世界史背诵的知识点过多,5分率级低,所以AP世界史近几年进行了改革,改革前是从公元前3500年到公元后2000年,改革后砍去了公元前,直接从1200年到现在。 AP世界史主题由5个增加到6个,更具针对性: ...
This next question type requires you to dig deep into history, preferably with a cool magnifying glass. Document-Based Question Example You'll getseven documentswith your DBQ (not shown in the sample above), and you must use at least six of these as evidence in your response. The DBQ is...
Part A:DBQ 1道,占比25%,时长1小时; Part A:essay 1道,占比15%,时长40分钟。 由于AP世界史背诵的知识点过多,5分率级低,所以AP世界史近几年进行了改革,改革前是从公元前3500年到公元后2000年,改革后砍去了公元前,直接从1200年到现在。 AP世界史主题由5个增加到6个,更具针对性: ...
Official AP World History Free-Response Questions TheAP Course and Exam Descriptioncontainsan up-to-date sample Document-Based Question (DBQ) and Long Essay prompt. Even if you don't do a makeshift practice test with new and old course descriptions as suggested above,I strongly advise that you...
Provides a wealth of resources and guidance on all aspects of the AP World History exam, including FRQs and DBQs Offers detailed explanations and examples of how to approach and structure FRQ and DBQ responses to maximize points Includes practice prompts and sample responses, with grading rubrics...