alternative (alt) allele是effect allele reference (ref) allele是other allele
1 人赞同了该回答 alternative (alt) allele是effect allele reference (ref) allele是other allele 发布于 2023-09-23 23:28・IP 属地吉林 AI 总结 在ukbiobank中下载的SNP数据里,ref和alt哪个是effect allele? 已引用 8 位答主的内容 查看AI 回答 1 如何评价视频《县中学生现状:每天在校超 17 小时,...
则指的是GWAS关联检测中的reference allele (non-risk 或者 non-effect),也就是效应量beta(或odds ratio)估计时的参考,概念上与上述ref与alt的组合无关,但为了保持统一性,近年来研究中关联检验的reference 也会与 reference genome保持一致,以避免混淆等。
fread读入文件后format_data来转换:snp_col = "rsids",phenotype_col = "phenotype",beta_col = "beta",se_col = "sebeta",eaf_col="af_alt",effect_allele_col = "alt",other_allele_col = "ref",pval_col = "pval")
CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 2 R Steffensen, K Carlier, J Wiels, et al. Cloning and expression of the histo-blood group Pk UDP-galactose: Gal-beta1-4Glc-beta1-Cer alpha1,4-galactosyltransferase. Molecular genetic basis of the p phenotype J Biol Chem, 275 (22) (2000), pp. 16...
samples Further, at an even target coverage to determine the effect of DGE on the SNP allele frequency, the position level FSTs were determined between individual pools. Eofsptiompualtaitoionnsoifnotvheercaolml pbionpeduldaattiaoannddiifnfdeirveidnutaial staiomnpl(eFsS(TF)D. anTdheCpCo)...
不太清楚是不是.vcf格式的文件 如果不是可以liftover转换成vcf格式的文件 该有的都会有 ...
孟德尔随机化芬兰数据库各个列名代表的意思:"#chrom" :染色体;"pos"位置;"ref"对照等位基因;"alt":效应等位基因;"rsids":变量标识符;"nearest_genes":最近基因; "pval" p值;"mlogp" -log10P;"beta":效应大小;sebeta效应大小标准差;"af_alt":效应等位基因频率;"af_alt_cases":病例中的效应等位基因频率...