alternative (alt) allele是effect allele reference (ref) allele是other allele
则指的是GWAS关联检测中的reference allele (non-risk 或者 non-effect),也就是效应量beta(或odds ratio)估计时的参考,概念上与上述ref与alt的组合无关,但为了保持统一性,近年来研究中关联检验的reference 也会与 reference genome保持一致,以避免混淆等。
关联检验中的reference与risk/effect allele在关联检测中,reference allele(non-risk或non-effect)是效应估计的基准,与参考基因组中的ref/alt概念分离。早期研究中,minor allele常被作为reference allele,但现在,为了消除混淆,研究者倾向于保持与reference genome的统一。risk allele则是与疾病关联的allel...
那么到这里我们通过下载数据并整理成R包需要的方式就结束了,然后我们需要使用TwoSampleMR包进行分析 myocardial_exposure_clump<-read_exposure_data(filename="exposure.csv",sep=",",snp_col="SNP",beta_col="beta",se_col="se",effect_allele_col="Effect_allele",other_allele_col="Other_allele",clump=T...
Due to these alterations, the Vandana allele might be a functional knock-out despite its RNA and protein expression. Thus, its possible complementation was assessed by over-expressing the Way Rarem allele in Vandana. These transgenic plants, especially the line V580, exhibited mar- ginally ...
Effect of oral or intragastric delivery of the bitter tastant quinine on food intake and appetite sensations: a randomised crossover trialdoi:10.1017/S0007114520002536Tim KlaassenDaniel KeszthelyiAnnick M E AlleleynEllen WilmsAalt BastAdrian A M Masclee...
alternative (alt) allele是effect allele reference (ref) allele是other allele 不
AFM Studies The AFM investigations of the DCFs clearly support TEM data (Figure S3), also showing a significTahnet dAiffFMerenincveeisntitghaetipoanrsticolfe tshizeesDoCfFisnvcelestairglaytesdupDpCoFrst aTlEloMwidnagtaus(FtoigdurraewSa3)c,leaalsrocosnhcolwusiinogn a thsaitgtnhieficlaacnkt...
β-carotene may provide some form of defense against cognitive aging in people who are more genetically predisposed to it, as shown for the APOε 4 allele [67]. It is also worth mentioning that many neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, often display coexistence with ...
Furthermore, the current standard limitations, well evidenced by Dong and col-leagues [30], should be accounted also in the case of anti-vibration shoes. 4.3. Limitations and Future Directions There are different limitations that should be considered when drawing conclusions from the study findings...