ahk ; 定义要按住的键 ToggleKey := "Shift" ; 定义一个标记,用于控制是否按住键 IsKeyPressed := false ; 定义一个热键来切换按住状态 ~Numpad0:: ; 使用小键盘的0键作为热键,你可以根据需要更改 toggleKeyState() return toggleKeyState() { if (IsKeyPressed) { ; 如果当前是按住状态,则释放键 Send...
keyToggleSwitchTool:="F2";自动切换工具模式键 keyTogglePowerAttack:="F3";自动强力攻击模式键 keyToggleAutoUse:="F4";自动使用模式键;In-Game Keybinds keyUseTool:="t";使用工具键,默认LButton,c keyAction:="r";检查/动作键,默认RButton,x keyConfirm:="y";确认键,默认y,不可更改 keySlotSpecificToo...
~CapsLock::;AutoFire Toggle if(GetKeyState("CapsLock","t")=0) { AutoFire =0 ToolTip("AutoFire OFF") }elseif (GetKeyState("CapsLock","t")=1) { AutoFire =1 ToolTip("AutoFire ON") } Return *NumpadAdd::;Adds compensation. compVal := compVal+2 ...
Hotkey, $*MButton Up, MButtonup, off KeyWait, MButton, T0.15 If ErrorLevel = 1 { Hotkey, $*MButton Up, MButtonup, on MouseGetPos, ox, oy SetTimer, WatchTheMouse, 1 SystemCursor("Toggle") } Else { Send {LButton} SendInput ^v } return MButtonup: Hotkey, $*MButton Up, MButtonup,...
0 AHK Hold Button Toggle 0 AHK issue with mousewheel key remap 0 AHK: GetKeyState, can't send 2 commands 1 Making a key be pressed when another is unpressed (AHK) 3 How can I interrupt a loop by pressing "any" key in AHK? 0 autohotkey: How to make right mouse key mimic...
; Specify a key for the toggle function. ; For me, it's the numberpad slash key. NumpadDiv:: ; ; Create a memory structure that will hold the visibility state data. ; We'll be dealing with Dll system calls, so it should be 36 bytes, filled with 0s. ...
Toggle Chart Options Advanced Charting Range Dropdown Volume: 43.41K65 Day Avg: 47.7K 91% vs Avg 13.62Day Range13.90 12.3252 Week Range15.55 Partner Center Recently Viewed Tickers Key Data Open$13.77 Day Range13.62 - 13.90 52 Week Range12.32 - 15.55 ...
on() => this : Enable a hotkey. If not yet registered, call register off() => this : Disable a hotkey. If not yet registered, call register toggle() => this : Toggle enable/disable a hotkey. If not yet registered, call register setState(state: boolean | -1 | "On" | "Off"...
;以管理员身份运行 if !A_IsAdmin { Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" ExitApp } SetBatchLines,-1 #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3 #SingleInstance,Force IniRead,tj,配置文件.txt,选项 IniRead,gk,配置文件.txt,防怪 IniRead,xz,配置文件.txt,转向 Gui, Add, Text, x10 y32 w80 h20 +Center, 打怪输出键...
keyDecreaseDelay;减少1帧打断后摇的时延;;keyToggleSwitchTool;切换是否切换工具;;keyTogglePowerAttack;切换是否强力攻击;;keyToggleAutoUse;切换是否自动使用;在自动使用模式下:;按任意工具,武器,消耗品键会自动进行对应动作;;===;Basics(version,reload&suspend,instance,environment)#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0;版本要求...