WinGetClass,WinClass,ahk_id%HWND% ;;去除系统等窗口元素 if(NotWinClass~="i)^(windows.ui.+|Shell_TrayWnd|workerW|NotifyIconOverflowWindow|Program Manager|Progman|ATL\:.+)$"&&WinExist("ahk_id "HWND)){ WinGet,ExStyle,ExStyle,ahk_id%HWND% WinGet,ProcessPath,ProcessPath,ahk_id%HWND% FileDesc...
Make sure to save it as an.ahk file and save it someplace you can retrieve it quickly. Avoid saving it as a .txt file! How This Works Your PC will be informed that the key is being held down if the desired key is pushed just once. It will be informed that the key has been rele...
You can set theKeyListhere This is a comma separated list ofAHK valid keysin order of vJoy Buttons The first key is mapped toButton 0and so on. Manually setting the list has an advantage in that you can add more than one key to the same button (New as of ...
return ; you may prefertouse pausekeyassubstitutionforcapsLockkey. Pause:: SetCapsLockState % getkeystate("Capslock","t") ?"off":"on" return To deploy this on your computer, copy this code to a text file and rename the file astranscript.ahk. If you have installedautohotkey, the software...
I fixed it up, as there was some syntax errors, and made it work with the Left Alt key, as there was functionally no difference when binding it to a different key, so I removed that step.This code block is for AHK v2.0:#HotIf WinActive("Baldur's Gate 3")LAlt::{send "{f...