When I say the scripts do not interact with Steam, it literally halts them, since I have a toggleable variable in the scripts that does not toggle when I am focused on Steam. Example: Code: Select all - Expand - Download - Line numbers - Word wrap - V1 FastLeftClick: SendMode ...
VarAdjustCapacity() - adjusts the capacity of a variable to its content GetUIntByAddress() - get UInt direct from memory. I found this functions only within one script SetUIntByAddress() - write UInt direct to memory RtlUlongByteSwap64() - routine reverses the ordering of the four bytes ...
Gosub, CurPromptToggle ; 启动时停用鼠标录制提示功能 WinClose, ahk_class TGifCamForm if FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\GifCam.exe") { if !FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\GifCam.ini") { FileAppend, ( [FPS Options] FPSOptionOne=10 FPSOptionTwo=16 FPSOptionThree=33 [Memory] UseMemory=1 MemoryUsage=...
; Specify a key for the toggle function. ; For me, it's the numberpad slash key. NumpadDiv:: ; ; Create a memory structure that will hold the visibility state data. ; We'll be dealing with Dll system calls, so it should be 36 bytes, filled with 0s. VarSetCapacity(StatePtr, 36...
key_state('CapsLock', mode='T') # Check toggle state of a key (like for NumLock, CapsLock, etc) ahk.key_press('a') # Press and release a key ahk.key_down('Control') # Press down (but do not release) Control key ahk.key_up('Control') # Release the key ahk.set_capslock_...
瞬间觉得自己看不懂代码了😢😢😢 为了找到和使用SI类似的感觉,我总结了几个SI上常用的功能在VSCode中类似的使用方法: 高亮 首先,安装 highlight-words 插件。 安装完成后即可使用 “Highlight Toggle ... 问答精选 Implemented Push() on a Stack using dynamic array...
RegWrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,CapsEz,"%A_AhkPath%" btt("已设置为随系统自动启动",,,"Style1") Sleep1000 btt() } return Menu_Suspend: Menu,tray,ToggleCheck,暂停热键(&S) Suspend return Menu...
// comments string keyword preprocessor variable value functions constants script color1-3 this.regexList = [ { regex: /;.*$/gm, css: 'comments' }, // one line comments { regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.multiLineCComments, css: 'comments' }, // multiline comments { regex: ...
toggle:=1 ; On/off parameter for the hotkey. Toggle 0 means controller is on. The placement of this variable is disturbing. ; If no settings file, create, When changing this, remember to make corresponding changes after the setSettingsToDefault label (error handling) ; Currently at bottom ...
#a:: Stack("left") #d:: Stack("right") #w:: Stack("up") #s:: Stack("down") #;:: Unstack() #+q:: CycleStack("previous") #q:: CycleStack("next") ; Manipulate windows #f:: ToggleFloat() #m:: ToggleMonocle() */ 0 comments on commit d932688 Please sign in to comment...