ButtonLeft:SetMouseDelay, -1 ; Makes movement smoother.MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, D ; Hold down the left mouse button.SetTimer, WaitForLeftButtonUp, 10returnButtonRight:SetMouseDelay, -1 ; Makes movement smoother.MouseClick, right,,, 1, 0, D ; Hold down the right mouse button.SetTimer...
MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, D ; Hold down the left mouse button. SetTimer, WaitForLeftButtonUp, 10 return ButtonRight: SetMouseDelay, -1 ; Makes movement smoother. MouseClick, right,,, 1, 0, D ; Hold down the right mouse button. SetTimer, WaitForRightButtonUp, 10 return WaitForLeftBut...
Crouch jumping, aka super jump, before you had to press Space and C exactly at the same time, that makes it quite difficult... With this script you can jump normally with single Space press, and super jump if you press and hold Space. So, single press = normal jump, hold space = ...
I am looking for ahk script that will allow me to hold "button 10" on my arcade stick for 5 seconds to exit out of an emulator. The code below that was submitted in the noob script section will exit on key press only. $joy10:: ; my start button { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE...
http://blog.felixc.at/2011/03/left-key-copy-middle-key-paste-or-scroll-ahk-script/ 猫在Linux里用习惯了配置后很好使的中键滚动(TP的小红点+中键来滚动神马的), 以及左键拖选/中键粘贴功能, 现在在Win下也想把他们找回来… 此脚本的效果是: ...
state- Controls the state of the mouse button. If state is set to down, it will hold the mouse button down. If state is set to up, it will release the mouse button. If no state is specified, it will send the mouse button down and back up. ...
state- Controls the state of the mouse button. If state is set to down, it will hold the mouse button down. If state is set to up, it will release the mouse button. If no state is specified, it will send the mouse button down and back up. ...
clickPauseMarco(pausetime, pauseAction){ local Global vRunning, forceStandingKey, keysOnHold, quickPauseHK if vRunning { Gosub, StopMarco if (pausetime>0) { ; 自动恢复 SetTimer, RunMarco, off SetTimer, RunMarco, -%pausetime% ; 连点左键 if (pauseAction=2) { start...
{left Up} Sleep 200 } If xz =0 { } ExitApp Return ;=== Copy The Following Functions To Your Own Code Just once === ;--- ; FindText - 屏幕找字函数 ;--- ; 返回变量 := FindText( ; X1 --> 查找范围的左上角X坐标 ; , Y1 --> 查找范围的左上角Y坐标 ; , X2 --> 查找范围...
EdgePath - Path to msedge.exe, will detect from start menu when left blank DebugPort - What port should Edge's remote debugging server run on */ __New(ProfilePath:="EdgeProfile", URLs:="about:blank", Flags:="", EdgePath:="", DebugPort:="") ...