HRmax was univariately explained by the formula 211 − 0.64·age (SEE, 10.8), and we found no evidence of interaction with gender, physical activity, VO2max level, or BMI groups. There were only minor age-adjusted differences in HRmax between these groups. Previously suggested prediction...
HRmax was univariately explained by the formula 211 − 0.64·age (SEE, 10.8), and we found no evidence of interaction with gender, physical activity, VO2max level, or BMI groups. There were only minor age-adjusted differences in HRmax between these groups. Previously suggested prediction...
1). Using a generalized additive model (GAM) approach, we found that all 51 phenotypes showed nonlinear age-dependent sex differences (Supplementary Table 4), and 16 of the 51 phenotypes (31%) showed a significant age by sex interaction with a considerable effect size (Bonferroni-adjusted ...
e, TF binding motifs enriched at young L1s and associated with increased or decreased methylation drift rate in young L1s (two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test, P < 0.05 for both adjusted and unadjusted age drift rate coefficient). P values are only shown for comparisons in young L1s; the...
Multivariable-adjusted estimated annual changes of lipid according to polygenic risk and age group among female participants without lipid treatment Supplement 2. Data Sharing Statement 1. Grundy SM, Stone NJ, Bailey AL, et al. 2018 AHA/ACC/AACVPR/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA...
1) What -if any- among the many conclusions of your abstract do you think should be adjusted/modulated to the around 20 years of time elapswd and science produced? 2) The abstract states that, “without predation, aging gives no advantage”. But why so? And, could you perhapa eelate ...
association changes in the corresponding dietary component on the left with relative changes in Hannum mAge. Lower middle: the association of GMD score and relative change in Hannum mAge. Data presented as beta coefficients; multi-variate models adjusted for age, sex, baseline mAge, and weight los...
Model A: adjusted by age, sex, ethnicity, marital status, religion living environment, level of education, employment status and monthly income; model B: adjusted for model A plus additionally adjusted for having diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, COPD, disability in hearing, vision, ...
Heavy central lines represent the estimated fully adjusted hazard ratios in logarithmic scale, with shaded ribbons denoting 95% confidence intervals for each outcome. CVD Cardiovascular disease, CHD Coronary heart disease. Full size image As shown in Table 2, cMetS-S was associated with future CVD...
Rats were anesthetized with a combination anesthetic (0.15 mg/kg medetomidine hydrochloride, 2.0 mg/kg midazolam, 2.5 mg/kg butorphanol tartrate; s.c.) following brief gas anesthesia with 3% isoflurane and were positioned in a stereotaxic apparatus so that the incisor bar level was adjusted until...