Stem cell niches are specialized microenvironments that promote the maintenance of stem cells and regulate their function. Recent advances have improved our understanding of the niches that maintain adult haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). These advances include new markers for HSCs and niche cells, sys...
CryoStem - Information about adult stem cell preservation services. Learn about cord blood and adult stem cell preservation and storage. CryoStem is your
“stem cell-derived”. While there are disagreements as to the real original of these pathologies (an adult stem cell or a “de-differentiated” or “reprogrammed” somatic differentiated cell), operationally, that single cell (a normal adult stem cells or a “reprogrammed” somatic differentiated...
Automated 3D analysis of confocal images derived from SVZ whole mounts has provided an extensive, quantitative description of the elements of the adult stem cell niche. The 3D viewpoint revealed important information about the structure of the adult SVZ, the arrangement of its constituent cells, and...
Adult stem cells are stem cells that can be derived from different parts of the body and, depending on where they are from, have different properties. They exist in several different tissues including bone marrow, blood, liver, nasal mucosa, skin, and the brain. Some studies have suggested ...
The naked mole rat (NMR), Heterocephalus glaber, the longest-living rodent, provides a unique opportunity to explore how evolution has shaped adult stem cell (ASC) activity and tissue function with increasing lifespan. Using cumulative BrdU labelling and
Currently, MSCs and CSCs seem to be the most promising adult multipotent stem cell therapy. Nevertheless, the optimal cell type, methods and timing of delivery and mechanisms of action need to be further investigated. Moreover, various combinations of these adult stem cells may prove to be more...
The existence of adult renal stem cells has long been suspected because the kidney is capable of regeneration in response to injury, such as acute tubular necrosis (ATN), but their location, or niche, has not been fully defined yet. The aim of this study was to identify the niche of adul...
Haploidentical stem cell transplantation: the always present but overlooked donor. Haploidentical stem cell transplantation is a treatment option for the approximately 70% of patients who do not have an HLA-identical sibling donor. The availability of a haploidentical donor in most families is a potent...
The identification of multipotential mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from adult human tissues, including bone marrow stroma and a number of connective tissues, has provided exciting prospects for cell-based tissue engineering and regeneration. This