Adding text labels to ggplot2, Is it possible to add text labels to a bar chart in a simple way? Yes, In this article, you’ll learn how to add a frequency count to each bar in a bar chart. First, let’s make a data frame. Animated Graph GIF with gganimate & ggplot » Addi...
Adding outputs from a for loop into a data.frame so i can graph them with ggplot2 in r I want to calculate the populous of a prey-predator system after a consistent time period , for this i have i have created my code based on this formula: Formula The code in r: matrixA <- mat...
这样的话 这个图里面就有三个 fill了,然后ggplot2 它就迷了。它搞不懂这仨fill到底该按照哪个指示fill,所以它就不理你的后面俩fill了,直接按照默认的fill了个颜色。 修改后如下 ggp+# Applying only one fillfunctionscale_fill_manual(values=c("#1b98e0","yellow","#353436"),guide=guide_legend(reverse...
library(ggplot2) library(grid) qplot(1:10, rnorm(10)) + annotate("text", x = Inf, y = -Inf, label = "PROOF ONLY", hjust=1.1, vjust=-1.1, col="white", cex=6, fontface = "bold", alpha = 0.8) where the label is placed at the bottom-right, and the justification is adjusted...
and Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale Why do these errors occur and how do I fix them so that I can plot the graduated circles on top of my polygon? EDIT: Here is my updated code: #load in required libraries library(ggplot2) library(maptools) library(rgdal) library(rge...
Let’s first set up a basic plot to experiment with: library(legendry)#> Loading required package: ggplot2base<-ggplot(mpg, aes(displ,hwy,colour=cty))+geom_point()+labs(x="Engine displacement",y="Highway miles per gallon",col="City miles\nper gallon")+theme(axis.line=element_line()...
ggplot()+geom_bar(aes(fill=columns,y=diffs,x=samps),stat="identity",position="fill")+scale_fill_discrete(name="Preprocessing Steps",labels=labels,# Order set to 1 to appear before dotguide=guide_legend(order=1))+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1))+xlab("Samples")+ylab...
removeGrid- Remove grid lines from ggplot2. Minor grid lines are always removed, and the major x or y grid lines can be removed as well. rotateTextX- Rotate x axis labels. Often times it is useful to rotate the x axis labels to be vertical if there are too many labels and they ove...