ggp + # Add text element to plot annotate("text", x = 1.5, y = 2.2, label = "Text No. 1")As shown in Figure 2, the previous syntax has created a ggplot2 plot with one text element in the middle of the plot.Example 2: Annotate Multiple Text Elements to ggplot2 Plot...
I was unhappy with the amount of time it takes to create the text data frame to then label the plot. And then yesterday when the new version of ggplot2 0.9.2 was announced I got to reading about how ggplot2 objects are stored and I decided that I could extract a great deal of the ...
The key here is a new data frame with three pieces of information (ggplot2 seems to like information given in a data frame). Coordinates to plot the text The faceted variable levels The labels to be supplied The first information piece is the coordinates (two columns x and y) to plot th...
library(ggplot2)# Simple scatter plotsp<-ggplot(df,aes(wt,mpg,label=rownames(df)))+geom_point()# Add textssp+geom_text()# Change the size of the textssp+geom_text(size=6)# Change vertical and horizontal adjustementsp+geom_text(hjust=0,vjust=0)# Change fontface. Allowed values : ...
This document is dedicated to text annotation with ggplot2. It provides several examples with reproducible code showing how to use function like geom_label, geom_text.
dat_text[dat_text$pvalue<0.01,]$label <- paste("**", "P<0.01", sep=" ") library(ggplot2) options(repr.plot.width=8, repr.plot.height=12) # 8x8 g2 <- ggplot(data=genes_expr_melt, aes(x=pseudotime, y=value, fill=group, color=group)) + geom_point(size=0.01, alpha=0.5,...
ggrepel: Avoid overlapping of text labels Scatter plots with text annotations Volcano plot Infos This article describes how to add a text annotation to a plot generated using ggplot2 package. The functions below can be used : geom_text(): adds text directly to the plot geom_label(): draws...
library(ggtext) library(glue) library(patchwork) library(cowplot) ``` ```{r} # create flow chart for literature search and selection s1 <- tibble(x= 0:100, y= 0:100) %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) + scale_x_continuous(minor_breaks = seq(0, 100, 10)) + scale_y_continuous(mino...
ggplot(data = bbb_both2, aes(x = factor(n), y = NNE, fill = factor(TYPE))) + geom_boxplot() + geom_hline(yintercept = 3.41, linetype = "dashed", col = "red", size = 1) + xlab("Sample size") + ylab("NNE") + ggtitle("IV-based & Unadjusted Estimators of the NNE...
text.font: an integer specifying the font style of the legend text; possible values are : 1: normal 2: bold 3: italic 4: bold and italic bg: background color of the legend box makePlot() # Add a legend to the plot legend(1, 95, legend=c("Line 1", "Line 2"), col=c("red...