This should be a virtual method on an interface (perhapsICesiumTile) that is implemented by both primitive types, rather than a global function that uses a dynamic cast. See here for how to create interfaces in UE:
Sockets and collision shapes are created directly in Blender, you can precisely choose which animations need to be exported. Blender For Unreal Engine also includes a error checker to prevent the all potential problems. You have an explanation of the problem and how to solve it. In addition to...
observerTexLoc += FVector2D(TextureSize /2.0f, TextureSize /2.0f);FCollisionQueryParamsqueryParams(TraceTag,true);for(floati =0; i <2* PI; i += HALF_PI /100.0f) {autox = Manager.SightRange * FMath::Cos(i);autoy = Manager.SightRange * FMath::Sin(i); FVector sightLoc = observerL...
示例10: SetCollisionResponseForActor ▲点赞 1▼ voidUDestructibleComponent::SetCollisionResponseForActor(constFCollisionResponse& ColResponse, PxRigidDynamic* Actor, int32 ChunkIdx) {// Get collision channel and responsePxFilterData PQueryFilterData, PSimFilterData; uint8 MoveChannel = GetCollisionObjec...
Sockets and collision shapes are created directly in Blender, allowing you to precisely select which animations to export. "Blender For Unreal Engine" also includes an error checker to identify and prevent potential problems. It provides explanations of the problems and solutions, including, in some...
CharacterMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(TEXT("Enemy")); CharacterMesh->SetSkeletalMesh(LylatGetResource<USkeletalMesh>(TEXT("/Game/Models/Arwing/Meshes/Arwing.Arwing"))); CharacterMesh->SetCollisionProfileName(TEXT("Arwing")); CharacterMesh-...
UE_LOG(ResLogger, Error, TEXT("--- UResMgr::TestAsyncLoad, mAssetLoader == nullptr || mResDB == nullptr"));return; } TArray<FStringAssetReference> objToLoad;for(int32 i =0; i < mResDB->mMeshList.Num(); ++i) { objToLoad.AddUnique(mResDB->mMeshList[i].mMeshAsset.ToStringRe...