ALTERNATIVE NAMESVWF-Cleaving Protease Activity, ADAMTS-13, cTTP diagnostic test, TTP diagnostic test DESCRIPTIONChromogenic ELISA for the quantitative determination of ADAMTS13 activity in human plasma. ADAMTS13 is an enzyme that specifically cleaves large von Willebrand Factor multimers, which induce pla...
normalgroup(P<);furthermore,ininhibitortest15casesof themwerewithpositiveresults.Conclusion:ITTPpatients haveextremelyloworevenlackofADAMTSI3activity,and ADAMTS13inhibitorisalsodetectedintheplasmafrommost patients.Inhibitortestmakesiteasytoidentifyimmune ...
vwf含量可例如根据图雷切克(turecek)等人,胶原结合酶联免疫吸附分析和瑞斯托西汀辅助因子活性分析检测冯威里氏因子功能活性的比较研究(comparative study on collagen-binding enzyme-linked lmmunosorbent assay and ristocetin cofactor activity assays for detection of functional activity of von willebrand factor),血栓...
This chapter gives a review of ADAMTS13 testing, which is used as a diagnostic test for thrombotic thrombocytopenia prupura (TTP) and it discusses the activity of ADAMTS13 and the assessment for the presence of an inhibitor to the ADAMTS13 enzyme. The various methods for testing of ADAMTS13 ...
Rates were compared using chi-square 2 test (X ). P0.05 was considered as significant difference. Logistic regression model was used for analysis of correlation. Statistical software is SPSS 17.0. Results:The average values of ADAMTS13 activity in 113 cases following HSCT at each period (before...
, Fehr, J. , Bombeli, T.(2006)Novel,sem1-automated, 60-min-assay to determine von Willebrandfactorcleaving activity of ADAMTS-13. Thrombosis Res. 118:723-731 则描述了一种经改进的方法,可以将培养时间缩减至60分钟。US 2007/0065895A1和US 2005/0186646A1所揭示的方法是以具有特异性ADAMTS-13蛋白...
characteristicanalysis.CorrelationanalysiswasperformedusingtheSpearmantest.AP valueof<0.05wasconsideredtobestatisticallysignificant.bydrawstandardcurveto exploretherelationshipinthetheactivityofthevonWillebrandfactorandA disintegrin-likeandmetalloproteasewiththrombospondintype1motif,theirratioandthe ...
(1)Theassay easy thjs ADAMTSl3 caIl method,the be.Thismethodc觚be operate.Using actmy widely usedasamutinetestitemsintheTTPsome and Other patients. FRETS二VWF73showsthatmeADAMTS13 leVelislower (2)The assay aVemgeactiVity mannomalin the ofHSCT.TheleVelsofADAMTS13 eallystage actiVity before ...
Question 10. How can I predict my patient’s ADAMTS13 activity in order to decide whether to initiate plasma exchange if the results of an ADAMTS13 activity test are not yet available? References 1. Masias C, Cataland SR. The role of ADAMTS13 testing in the diagnosis and management of thr...
造血干细胞移植过程中ADAMTS13 活性与抑制物的检测及其临床意义;75 例外周T 细胞淋巴瘤患者的预后与相关因素分析 中文摘要 造血干细胞移植过程中ADAMTS13 活性与抑制物的检 测及其临床意义;75 例外周T 细胞淋巴瘤患者的预后与 相关因素分析 中文摘要 第一部分 造血干细胞移植过程中ADAMTS13 活性与抑制物的检测及 其...