providethebasisfortheclinicalimmunosuppressivetherapy. Methods:TheactivityandinhibitorofADAMTS13intheplasma samplesof20ITTPcasesweredetectedbytheresidual collagenbindingassay(R-CBA).Results:TheADAMTS13 activityof18caseswaslessthan10%,comparedwiththe normalgroup(P<);furthermore,ininhibitortest15casesof ...
This chapter gives a review of ADAMTS13 testing, which is used as a diagnostic test for thrombotic thrombocytopenia prupura (TTP) and it discusses the activity of ADAMTS13 and the assessment for the presence of an inhibitor to the ADAMTS13 enzyme. The various methods for testing of ADAMTS13 ...
ADAMTS-13(旦必sintegrin这nd迈etalloprotease with边:rombospondin迈otifs) 是一种溶蛋白性裂解血管性血友病因子(VWF)、从而减小血管性血友病因子(VWF)活性的 金属蛋白酶。ADAMTS-13酶活性的先天性或获得性缺乏是各种疾病的起因,例如血栓性血小 板减少性紫癜(TTP), 一种危及生命的血栓栓塞性微循环疾病。在TTP...
Machaon provides the fastest ADAMTS13 activity and inhibitor testing available in the US. Rapid diagnosis and administration of correct treatment is paramount for TTP and aHUS. This test is diagnostic for Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) when ADAMTS13 Activity levels are below 10%. Consider ...
(1) lack of a true "gold standard" laboratory test for TTP diagnosis; (2) difficulty in distinguishing TTP from HUS and other forms of TMA based solely on clinical manifestations (ie, is TTP a distinct clinical entity, or rather part of a TMA disease continuum?); (3) potential sources ...
Less than 10% ADAMTS13 activity is indicative of TTP. Laboratory ADAMTS13 activity assays include incubating the test plasma with the substrate (full-length VWM multimers) and detection with direct or indirect measurement of the cleavage product. The purpose of this study is to examine the ...
(reprolysin type) with thrombospondintype 1 motif, 13; ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 13; ADAMTS13; ADAM-TS13; ADAMTS-13; DKFZp434C2322; EC; EC; EC; FLJ42993; MGC118899; MGC118900; TTP; TTPADAM-TS 13; vWF-cleaving protease; vWF-...
TTP TTPADAM-TS 13 vWF-cleaving protease vWF-CP vWF-CPC9orf8 VWFCPvon Willebrand factor-cleaving protease Background The monoclonal antibody 20A5 recognizes human ADAMTS-13, A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease with ThromboSpondin type 1 domain 13. ADAMTS-13 is ...
This chapter gives a review of ADAMTS13 testing, which is used as a diagnostic test for thrombotic thrombocytopenia prupura (TTP) and it discusses the activity of ADAMTS13 and the assessment for the presence of an inhibitor to the ADAMTS13 enzyme. The various methods for testing of ADAMTS13 ...