新人求助。。。...igs文件通过abaqus里的File/import/sketch 导入进来 结果出现 The file cannot be read. It may be corrupt or not a val
? ? I 版本是6.5.1的.出现下列问题: ***ERROR: Issue cannot be deleted Not all data Released 根据你的错误信息 “Issue cannot be deleted Not all data Released”,在网上搜了一下,找到一个德文版的解答: okay, wurde gekl?rt mittlererweile. In Systemsteuerung->System->Erweitert->Systemleistung->...
abaqus疑难问题..docx,1.按ABAQUS入门指南操作。用define cutting plane把部件一分为二,显示dependent part instances cannot be本人菜鸟1级。按ABAQUS入门指南操作。用define cutting plane把部件一分为二,显示dependent part instances cannot be edited or assigned me
The restart file must be in the binary format of the computer on which ABAQUS/Post is running. Generally a restart file generated on one computer type cannot be processed directly by ABAQUS/Post running on another computer type unless both computer types use the same binary format. The ABAQUS...
I can open SpaceClaim and read in the STL file. This is the at least Geometry that can be edited. RMB on Facets and Convert to Solid, with Merge Faces = Yes. Section view of the solid in SpaceClaim. Maybe someone has a better idea? Regards,Peter November 13, 2018 at 8:27 pm ...
Parameter values usually are not case sensitive.The only exceptions to this rule are those imposed externally to Abaqus,such as file names on case-sensitive operating systems.Keywords,parameters,and,in most cases,parameter values need not be spelled out completely, but there must be enough ...
This choice is useful if results need to be displayed relative to the imported configuration, such as may be desirable in springback analysis. The reference configuration cannot be updated if the imported analysis is geometrically linear.If connector elements are imported, the co 65、nfiguration can...
abaqus问答精华(ABAQUS question and answer essence)Q: pre tensioned prestressed reinforced how, please pointing.Q: I see in the document that you want to define a rebar in the InP file, but rebar can only be used for shell, membrane, and, solid, elements. I want to do now is a ...
couldalsobegivenas *ELASTIC,TYPE=ISOTROPIC, DEPENDENCIES=1 Certainkeywordsmustbeusedinconjunctionwith otherkeywords;for example,the*ELASTIC and*DENSITYkeywordsmust beusedinconjunctionwith the*MATERIALkeyword.These relatedkeywordsmust begroupedinablockintheinputfile; unrelatedkeywordscannotbe specifiedwithinthis...
Historydata from an analysis cannot contain multiple points. The history data object model.. In contrast to field output, which is associated with a frame, history output is associated with a step. History output data are stored in the historyRegions repository under an OdbStep object. Abaqus ...