打开abaqus是遇到Cannot read data from license server system.怎么解决啊 昨天还好好的送TA礼物 1楼2020-03-21 17:29回复 Empire逆风而行 核心会员 6 重新破解一下 来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-03-24 18:21 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈...
新人求助。。。...igs文件通过abaqus里的File/import/sketch 导入进来 结果出现 The file cannot be read. It may be corrupt or not a val
ABAQUS Error: Restart of anABAQUS/Standard analysis requires the following files: mdl, stt,odb, res, prt.The analysis cannot proceed. (2)新模型设置 1)复制模型,更改名称,右键单击 --edit attribute A.选取job Read data from job :原模型Job名称 B.分析不以及增量步选择 Step name:选择需要重启动分...
If the support engineer cannot diagnose your problem from this information, you may be asked to supply the input data. The data can be attached to a support request in the online system. It can also be sent by means of e-mail, ftp, CD, or DVD. ...
History datafromananalysiscannotcontainmultiplepoints. Thehistorydataobjectmodel. . Incontrasttofieldoutput,whichis associatedwithaframe,historyoutputisassociatedwitha step.Historyoutputdataarestoredin the historyRegions repositoryunderan OdbStep object. Abaquscreateskeystothe historyRegions repositorythat describe...
These are a lower-level representation, and will usually only come into play in data exchange contexts. Python 2 makes no fundamental distinction between text strings and byte strings; these may both be stored in the str class. In the case of text strings, their encoding is unspecified. In ...
All data definitions in Abaqus are accomplished with option blocks—sets of data describing a part of the problem definition.You choose those options that are relevant for a particular application. Options are defined by lines in the input file.Three types of input lines are used in an Abaqus ...
User subroutines are special features that are provided to increase the functionality of several Abaqus capabilities for which the usual data input methods alone may be too restrictive. The available subroutines offer a variety of options, from specifying user-defined loading or initial conditions, to...
Copy model-1模型>Edit Model Attributes>Restart>Read data from job:文件为Model-1中保存的计算结果名(默认计算最后一步); 1、指定重启动出发点: Restart Location>Step name:上一模型计算中断的分析步结束点, 2、 新建Job进行计算即可。 注: 1、重启动分析仅能继承model-1中计算结果,不能更改model-1仿真模...
In old abauqs version, people use fortran to read the result from abaqus result file (*.fil). In the manual, it has given the format of *fil file. but the easiest way is use ABAQUS poster processor to do it. You can pick up data with generate XYData, and output it to a ASCII...