有时候我们自己的笔记本运行ABAQUS太慢,想在另一台更高性能的电脑上跑模型,于是把ABAQUS的CAE文件拷到了另一个电脑上。但在提交作业之后,马上弹出下面这个问题提示: The following file( s) could not be loca…
编写Abaqus命令的 .bat 文件,如下图: 以管理员身份点击.bat文件,运行命令行,结果无法运行,提示错误:“Abaqus Error: The following file(s) could not be located: Job-TH.inp”,如下图所示。意思是无法找到 Job-TH.inp,即说明文件的索引路径出了问题。 我表示十分神奇(又不知道电脑出了什么问题),因为.bat...
各位大神,提交运算时..各位大神,提交运算时显示: the following files could not be located :job-1.odb怎么处理啊?
出现下列错误信息:ABAQUS Error:The following file(s)could not be located: brake_node.inp, brakee...
abaqus提交JO..abaqus提交JOB后出现问题,显示Abaqus Error: The following file(s) could not be located: axi_aa.inp,然后就不运行了。但在工作
[11].Abaqus提示“Abaqus Error: The following file(s) could not be located: xxx”的解决办法 [12].Abaqus Cmd 批处理提示“BATCH RECURSION Exceeds STACK limits”的解决办法 [13].Modeling beam hinge by Release in Abaqus [Abaqus中通过释放转角自由度模拟梁的铰接] ...
小弟刚从帮助文档选了个率相关的用户自定义材料例子,用命令行提交后出现如下症状,请各位 给把把麦,谢了先 C:\Tempcd elastic C:\Temp\elasticabaqus job=umatmsst3 user=umatmst3 Input file : umatmst3 ABAQUS Error: The following file(s) could not be located: umatmst3.inp ABAQUS/Analysis exited ...
Immediately, one might consider using a constant value of m for all values of σ0, yet when summing over all fibers this did not reproduce the correct overall fiber strength distribution. If, however, each user material was allowed to have a distinct Weibull modulus value, one could obtain ...
The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet, the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the port or hostname in the license file has been changed. Feature: cae Server name: License path: FLEXnet Licensing error:-15,10. System Error: 10061 "WinSock: Connection...