有时候我们会遇到Abaqus导入x_t文件失败的情况,显示 the file cannot be read.it may be corrupt or not a valid parasolid file.the import may succeed if you select different options in the create part from parasolid file dialog. 我们接下来看看这个问题,其实解决起来很简单。个人试验出来的结果,如不...
一直显示the file cannot be read it may be corrupt or not a valid parasolid file 试了网上无数...
新人求助。。。...igs文件通过abaqus里的File/import/sketch 导入进来 结果出现 The file cannot be read. It may be corrupt or not a val
4 Degree of FREEDOM 4 is not active in this model and can not be restrained有限元软件计算对于实体步考虑转动自由度,所以你在边界条件中限制了456的自由度后,软件会忽略的啊.5 The option *boundary,type=displacement has been used; check status file between steps for warnings on any jumpsprescribed ...
The restart file must be in the binary format of the computer on which ABAQUS/Post is running. Generally a restart file generated on one computer type cannot be processed directly by ABAQUS/Post running on another computer type unless both computer types use the same binary format. The ABAQUS...
Cannot connect to license server The server(lmgrd) has not been started yet, or the wrong prot@host or license file is being used, or the port or hostname in the license file has been changed. Feature:ane3f1 sqf0834答:我都装了,根本没有冲突呀!我装的是ansys10.0和abaqus6.6-1 装abaqus...
property options. Material names in the same input file must be unique. Material names adhere to the naming convention for labels (see ``Input syntax rules,'' Section 1.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User's Manual and the ABAQUS/Explicit User's Manual), except that they cannot begin with a ...
*** Error: 网页链接 / rank 0 / thread 0 encountered an unhandled exception *** ABAQUS/ABQcaeG rank 0 received the SIGABRT signal forrtl: severe (47): write to READONLY file, unit 7, file c:\temp\fort.7 Image PC 1225 texgen吧 李东378 texgen做的织物怎么导入到abaqus中做有限元分析?我...
Suchfilenamescanincludeafullpathnameorarelativepathname. Relativepathnames must be withrespecttothedirectoryfromwhichthejobwassubmitted.Ifnopathisspecified,thefileis assumedtobeinthedirectoryfromwhichthejobwassubmitted.Asubstructurelibrarymust bein thesamedirectoryfromwhichthejobwassubmitted; afullpathnamecannotbe...
LINK: fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file “LIBIFCOREMD.LIB” “LIBIFCOREMD.LIB”这个库是Intel的Fortran库,所以必须要使用到OneAPI中的Fortran模块。 要特别注意Visual Studio和OneAPI版本搭配的问题,否则在安装OneAPI的时候会无报错闪退。我曾经尝试Visual Studio 2019+OneAPI 2021,结果OneAPI安装时总是在continue...