APPEND wa TO itab SORTED BY f.The new line is not added to the end of the internal table itab. Instead, the table is sorted by field f in descending order. The work area wamust be compatible with the line type of the internal table. You cannot use the SORTED BY addition with ...
SY-TABIX:当前处理的是internal table的第几笔 SY-TMAXL: Internal table的总笔数 SY-SROWS:屏幕总行数; SY-SCOLS:屏幕总列数; SY-MANDT:當前系統編號(CLIENT NUMBER) SY-VLINE:画竖线 SY-ULINE:画横线 SY-PAGNO:当前页号 SY-LINSZ:当前报表宽度 SY-LINCT:当前报表长度 SPACE:空字符串 SY-LSIND:列表...
EXPORT <input variable> TO MEMORY ID <ID name>. IMPORT <parameter name> TO <output variable> FROM MEMORY ID <ID name>. EXPORT <parameter name> = <input variable> TO INTERNAL TABLE / DATA BUFFER IMPORT <parameter name> = <output variable> FROM INTERNAL TABLE / ...
Here we are saved from declaring another structure of type ty_city_temp_windy and another MOVE-CORRESPONDING statement . we are using APPEND CORRESPONDING statement and adding to the internal table. APPEND CORRESPONDING internal table 8 Comments matt Active Contributor 2023 May 23 9:32 AM ...
MOVE <internal_tab1> TO <internal_tab2>. Basically, here one internal table is assigned to another. <internal_tab2> = <internal_tab1>. ———– REPORT ZINTERNAL_TABLE_DEMO. */Creating two internal tables-Tab1 and Tab2 DATA: BEGIN OF wa_itab...
APPEND gs_city TO gt_citys. ENDLOOP. With 7.40 DATA(gt_citys) = VALUE ty_citys( FOR ls_ship IN gt_ships ( ls_ship-city ) ). IV. Example 2 Populate internal table GT_CITYS with the cities from GT_SHIPS where the route is R0001. Before 7.40 DATA: gt_citys TYPE ty_citys,...
In the new ABAP Debugger, you can use the Table Tool to display and work with the contents of internal tables. This section shows how to do the following: Change the column layout in an internal table so that you can see the columns you want to see Include fields from nested structures...
EXIT."From Inner LoopENDIF.CHECKmonster_bed_record-monster_number=id_monster_number.APPENDmonster_bed_recordTOet_monster_beds.ENDLOOP.SORTet_monster_bedsBYmonster_number bed_number.ENDIF. Table Work Areas 以前我们一般先定义internal table与work area,7.4以后,我们可以在对内表的操作过程中定义work area...
The snippet shows adding multiple lines from an internal table to another internal table using SELECT. Note the alias name that must be defined for the internal table.SELECT comp1, comp2, ... FROM @itab AS it_alias INTO TABLE @DATA(itab_sel)....