ABAP internal table new syntax reduce ..for.. :Used to determine whether there is data in field A that is not equal to A and not equal to M 点击查看代码 DATA(lv_exists) = REDUCE abap_bool( INIT result = abap_false FOR ls_row IN is_input-s_head WHERE ( zgglx <> 'A' AND ...
MODIFY TABLE<itab>FROM<wa> [TRANSPORTING<f1> <f2> ...]"修改单条(MODIFY TABLE <itab>一般用在循环中修改哈希表,且itab内表带表头)。这里的<wa>扮演双重身份,不仅指定了要修改的行(条件),还包括要修改的新的值。系统以整个表的所有关键字段来搜索要修改的行;USING KEY:如果未使用此选项,则会使用默认...
You can learn this tutorial about Internal Tables Concept of internal table, Types of internal tables, Declaration of internal table, Commands related to internal tables.
Write: i . //打印变量text的长度值三、 TERNAL TABLES 内表为了在内存中处理多条记录,不能使用结构,而要使用INTERNAL TABLE 他有三种形式:lSTANDARD TABLESlSORTED TABLESlHASHED TABLE我们将只讨论STANDARD TABLE 1、DECLARING INERTAL TABLES 参照字典内表类型 DATA itab_flightinfo TYPE abc400_t_sbc400focc ...
Given the following 2 internal tables: TYPES: BEGIN OF t_manager, name TYPE char10, salary TYPE int4, END OF t_manager, tt_manager TYPE SORTED TABLE OF t_manager WITH UNIQUE KEY name. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_developer, name TYPE char10, salary TYPE int4, manager TYPE char10, "Name of ...
It is also possible to concatenate lines from internal tables into a string to avoid a loop. A more modern way is to use the string function concat_lines_of.Syntax examples:"&& and string template DATA(s1) = `AB` && `AP`. "ABAP DATA(s2) = `ab` && `ap` && ` ` && s1. "ab...
The relevant syntax elements for internal tables are TABLE OF in combination with the additions TYPE or LIKE.TYPES itab_type1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF data_type ... "Standard table type TYPES itab_type2 LIKE SORTED TABLE OF data_object ... "Sorted table type DATA itab1 TYPE TABLE OF ...
Syntax COLLECT <line> INTO <itab>.The statement first checks whether the internal table contains an entry with the same key. If not, it acts like INSERT. If there is already a table entry with the same key, COLLECT does not insert a new line. Instead, it adds the values from the ...
Example 2 – Modify the Table Entry using the Key Same table as the previous example, but now modifying the entry. * Modify* Old WayFIELD-SYMBOLS:<lfs_data>LIKELINEOFt_data.READ TABLEt_dataASSIGNING<lfs_data>WITHKEYtable_line=10.IFsy-subrcEQ0.<lfs_data>=20.ENDIF.* New Wayt_data[tabl...
What is the syntax for specifying database table name at runtime in SELECT statement. NAME ='SPFL1'. SELECT *FROM(NAME). ………. ………. ENDSELECT. How do you read selected lines of database table into an internal table in packages of predefined size. SELECT * FROM...