From ABAP release 7.0 EhP2, you can define Secondary key as well to your internal tables. Access using the Secondary tables would be always optimized as it is managed by the Key Administration. Secondary Key works similarly as Database Indexes – Access using the Primary key fields and index ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Ben, The field on which you are using these should be the first field in the Internal Table. In your case it would work only on bukrs. On every other field it would fail. Use on change of statement. Reply Go to solution Former Member Options...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All this AT NEW, AT FIRST, AT END OF and AT LAST are called control break statements of Internal tables and are used to calculate the TOTALS based on sertain key fields in that internal table FIrst to use these statements the ITAB has to be...
10 PUBLIC What's New in SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 (Release Information) What's New in SAP BW∕4HANA 2.0 (Release Information) Housekeeping Housekeeping for Data Protection Workbench objects allows you to remove notifications from the active table of DataStore object 0DPPNOT_R and Data Protection ...
ABAP Report Structure -7- ABAP Report TYPES: BEGIN OF < linetype >, ... END OF < linetype >. DATA < itab > TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF < linetype >. REPORT SAPBC405_DAPD_INTERNAL_TABLES . * Definition of an internal table TYPES: BEGIN OF STRUCT_CONN, ...
10 PUBLIC What's New in SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 (Release Information) What's New in SAP BW∕4HANA 2.0 (Release Information) Housekeeping Housekeeping for Data Protection Workbench objects allows you to remove notifications from the active table of DataStore object 0DPPNOT_R and Data Protection ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi anjali, Remove the loop at mailrec. the mailrec internal table will have the mail ids of the receiver so you need not to loop this internal table to send the mail to each receiver. The FM it self will send the mail to all the receiver which ar...
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