Use this types to declare the internal table. The use of header line is obsolete in ECC6.0. Regards Shibino Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2010 Apr 05 11:53 AM 0 Kudos 6,637 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Declare like. types:BEGIN OF s_tabi, vkorg ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Sorry guys, I am given this information: The internal table is MY_PARA type TT_MY_PARA of interface IF_PDL_APP So now, how do I declare something in my ABAP to loop through the given internal table? Please pardon my poor knowledge in ABAP. I am ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, i need to now how to declare table (like in fm) in method, because when i try declare table in parameters (SE24) with type the structure i build in se11 i get error: ""LT_TAB" is not an internal table "OCCURS n" specification is problem ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi. You can export the internal table to a memory location in one subroutine and import in in the other one. You will not need to use any global variables for that let me know if you need any further help. Thanks, -Raj Reply Former Member In ...
As BDCMSGCOLL is structure, you need to declare a internal table which can contain multiple records (unlike structure). Steps for CALL TRANSACTION method 1. Internal table for the data (structure similar to your local file) 2. BDCTAB like BDCDATA 3. UPLOAD or WS_UPLOAD function to upload ...
Introduction: In this blog, we will have a look on how to store and retrieve data in SAP PI on java database in a custom table. And perform CRUD (Create, Read,Update and
Now break-point is working..trying to declar internal is giving error..i will try how to declare in badi.. DATA: ls_mepoitem TYPE mepoitem. ls_mepoitem = im_item->get_data( ). *TYPES: BEGIN OF TYPE_EKPO. INCLUDE STRUCTURE EKPO. *TYPES : END OF TYPE_EKPO. *DATA I_...
In the above statement, nothing is specified to be inserted. This is where the concept of the work area enters. The statement here expects a work area to exist which has been created when an internal table was declared. This type of work area is often referred to as a header record: ...
Hi , Sort the Table with Descending order... Read Table with index 1...It will fetch Last Record of the Table... Thanks & Regards VamsiRecommended Posts: What is SAP ABAP? SAP ABAP System Variables ABAP Internal Tables ABAP Date & Time SSCR Key in SAP ABAP ABAP Script Commands ABAP...
In the end there are absolutely unsupported ways like direct database table access which shouldn‟t be used at all. Besides the fact that a customer might lose SAP support it‟s also a technical challenge as the SAP BI internal Meta data layer related to hierarchies isn‟t public. ...