今天想介绍的是ZJU带来的3DGS的首篇综述A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting 这是论文链接 arXiv:2401.03890,结合一些资料,趁这个机会好好学习一下3DGS,加油入坑!!! 首先说一些自己的理解,3DGS之所以爆火,很大程度在于他的实时性,而这一部分极大程度得益于他定制的算法与自定义 CUDA 内核。除此之外,Gaussian Spla...
NeRF方法通过计算每个像素的3D空间点采样来处理这项任务。这种范式在高分辨率图像合成方面存在挑战,无法实现实时渲染速度。与此形成鲜明对比的是,3D高斯函数渲染(3D GS)首先将这些3D高斯函数投影到基于像素的图像平面上,这个过程被称为“splatting”。随后,3D GS对这些高斯函数进行排序,并计算每个像素的值。NeRF和3D ...
3D GS的原理被详细阐述,包括使用优化的三维高斯体表示场景,以及从指定摄像机姿势生成图像的过程。从三维高斯体的属性、锥体剔除、splatting到基于像素的渲染,一系列关键步骤被系统性概述。通过引入并行计算与砖块(图块)技术,3D GS实现快速渲染,提高效率。优化过程聚焦于调整每个高斯的属性以适应特定场景...
3D Gaussian splatting (GS) has recently emerged as a transformative technique in the realm of explicit radiance field and computer graphics. This innovative approach, characterized by the utilization of millions of learnable 3D Gaussians, represents a significant departure from mainstream neural radiance...
Note: We don't have the ability to review paper PubDate: Jan 2024 Teams:Zhejiang University Writers:Guikun Chen, Wenguan Wang PDF:A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting Abstract 3D Gaussian splatting (3D GS) has recently emerged as a transformative technique in the explicit radiance field and comp...
As the latest research result of the explicit radiated field technology, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D GS) replaces the implicit expression represented by Neural Radiated Field (NeRF) and has become the hottest research direction in 3D scene reconstruction. Given the innovative work and vigorous developm...
神经辐射场(Nerf)论文讲解 CVPR'23|一张图重建3D人物新思路:完美复刻复杂动作和宽松衣物,遮挡也不在话下 3D GAUSSIAN AS A NEW VISION ERA: A SURVEY 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering SIGGRAPH 2023 (ACM Transactions on Graphics) ...
可以将三维重建渲染Gaussian Splatting (.ply)格式模型直接导入到AE,并在AE中通过GPU实时预览做动画文章源自CG资源站-https://www.cgzyw.com/61133.html Import, manipulate and render 3D Gaussian Splatting (.ply) files inside After Effects in real-time with GPU.文章源自CG资源站-https://www.cgzyw.co...
Explore 3D Gaussian Splatting in V-Ray 7- a breakthrough technique for ultra-realistic, efficient rendering. Discover how it transforms visual workflows.