可以专门创建一个Player的文件夹,像此类操作玩家角色的脚本都放入其中。 在相应的文件夹中右键,Create->C# Script 创建C# Script 创建MovementController脚本并打开: MovementController初始化内容 5.脚本内容 usingSystem.Collections;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingUnityEngine;publicclassMovementController:MonoBehaviour{...
Flip() —— 人物转向 using UnityEngine; publicclassCharacterController2D:MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] privatefloatm_JumpForce =400f;// Amount of force added when the player jumps.[Range(0,1)] [SerializeField] privatefloatm_CrouchSpeed =.36f;// Amount of maxSpeed applied to crouching movemen...
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
/* Vector2 movement = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), rigidbody2d.velocity.y); Vector2 startPos = rigidbody2d.position; Vector2 targetPos = rigidbody2d.position + movement * Time.deltaTime * speedX; if(targetPos.x < startPos.x) { spriteRenderer.flipX = true; } else { ...
操作步骤 1、下载素材http://pan.bai du.com/s/1gdkQz8v 2、新建三个GUITexture(Joystick)及一个Sprite(Nyan) 场景搭建 3、创建背景及Platform(添加BoxCollider2D) TouchControls.cs 4、创建脚本 TouchControls.cs usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.Collections;publicclassTouchControls:MonoBehaviour{//gui Texturespubli...
The complete Unity project is under "2D Movement" and the newest version of the CharacterController2D can be foundhere. The asset pack used for the environment is Sunny Land which you can downloadhere. Check out ourYouTube Channelfor more tutorials. ...
Unity2d遮挡透明 2d遮挡透明 游戏开发当中经常会有这种需求,当玩家被树或者其他物体挡住的时候,就需要将这些物体透明化。 创建一颗树,设置为Pivot排序,在树底部创建一个碰撞盒。 创建一个玩家,也设置为Pivot排序,在玩家底部创建一个碰撞盒。 为了方便测试,给玩家添加一个PlayerMovement脚本控制移动。
ExtrapolateSmooth an object's movement based on an estimate of its position in the next frame. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page 本网站使用cookies来增强用户体验并分析我们网站的性能和流量。我们还与我们的社交媒体、广告和分析合作伙伴共享有关您...
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of theEULAfor details. Secure checkout: Frequently bought together Lost Relic Games Easy 2D Player Movement (14) $9.99 Ansimuz Tiny RPG Dungeon (not enough ratings) ...