参考消息网3月13日报道(文/陈泽安) 在今年的全国两会期间,新质生产力(new quality productive forces)成为各界关注的热词。“大力推进现代化产业体系建设,加快发展新质生产力”写入政府工作报告,并被列为2024年中国政府的工作任务首位。生产力是指人们在一定时间内利用一定手段和资源创造物质财富的能力,它是劳动...
The workforce is a critical component of NQPF. As technology evolves, so too must the skills of the labor force. Investment in education and training is essential to ensure that workers can operate, maintain, and innov...
考虑到“new quality productivity”这种字对字译法是很奇怪的英文搭配,国内英文媒体有时用文理更顺的译法——“new productive forces”,也有译者建议用“disruptive/transformative productive forces”来译“新质生产力”。 在文刀君看来,借用“disruptive”“tran...
Second, three strategies for cultivating new quality productivity. 1. Create a new type of labor force: It includes cultivating strategic talents who can create new quality productive forces and application-oriented talents who are proficient......
Fourth, the development path of new quality productive forces. In order to effectively cultivate and develop new quality productivity, we must promote the development of emerging industries and future industries on the basis of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. Among them...
Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, cautioned against herd behavior or speculative bubbles in developing the new quality productive forces. He also called for selective promotion of new industries, models...
Twelve political advisers placed emphasis on developing new high-quality productive forces during the annual session.