【解析】 $$ 2 \ln 2 - 1 $$ 结果一 题目 【题目】用Newton-Leibniz公式计算下列定积分∫_(-1)^1|x|dx 答案 【解析】∫_(-1)^1|x|dx=∫_(-1)^9-xdx+∫_0^1xdx=-1/2x^2|_(-1)^0+1/2x^2 或∫_(-1)^1|x|dx=2∫_0^1|x|dx=2∫_0^1xdx=x^2∫_0^1=1.(...
Integrate: {eq}\int x^n \ln x dx{/eq} Method of Integration by Parts: Integration by parts is a special method of integration that is very often useful when two integrable functions are multiplied together. If we suppose that {eq}f {/eq} and {eq}g {/eq} are two real valued fun...
解析 【解析】 $$,解: \int1n(1+x)dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int \frac{x}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int \frac{1+x-1}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int 1dx+ \int \frac{1}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)-x+1n(1+x)+c $$ (c为任意常数) ...
Find dy if y = 3 ln (4 + x^4). Find d/dx ln (1 + x). Find y' and y'' for y = ln x/(1 + ln x). Find the value of \ln 2^{1000} if \ln 2 = 0.69314. Evaluate int_1^infty ln x x^2 dx. Evaluate lim x ln x x ...
View Solution ∫(x−1)dx(1+x)(1+x2) View Solution ∫ln(√1+x+√1−x)dx View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation ...
解析 $$,解: \int1n(1+x)dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int \frac{x}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int \frac{1+x-1}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int 1dx+ \int \frac{1}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)-x+1n(1+x)+c(c为代数 $$ 倍常数) ...
Evaluate ∫ln(1+x)dx. Integration by Parts:Integration by parts is an integration technique implemented to integrate a product of two functions. To apply integration by parts to evaluate an integral of a product, simply follow the formula given below: ...
【解析】∫xln(1+x)/(1-x)dx=∫ln(1+x)/(1-x)d(1/2x^2)=1/2x^2ln(1+x)/(1-x)-1/2 =1/2x^2ln(1+x)/(1-x)-∫(x^2)/(1-x^2)dx=1/2x^2ln(1+x)/(1-x)+∫(1/ =1/2x^2ln(1+x)/(1-x)+x-1/2∫((1/(1-x)+1/(1+x)))dx=1/2x^2ln ...
∫(ln(x)+1)exln(x)dx Question: Evaluate the integral. ∫(ln(x)+1)exln(x)dx Indefinite Integral in Calculus: There are many techniques to solve the integral problems. To solve this problem, we'll use integration by substitution, which is also called u-substitution. ...
Doubtnut is the perfect NEET and IIT JEE preparation App. Get solutions for NEET and IIT JEE previous years papers, along with chapter wise NEET MCQ solutions. Get all the study material in Hindi medium and English medium for IIT JEE and NEET preparation ...