解$$ \int \ln x d x = x \ln x - \int x \cdot \frac { 1 } { x } d x = x \ln x - x + C , $$ 因此 $$ \int _ { 0 } ^ { 1 } \ln x d x = \left[ x \ln x - x \right] _ { 0 } ^ { 1 } = - 1 - \lim _ { x \rightarrow 0 ^ { + } }...
解析 【解析】 $$,解: \int1n(1+x)dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int \frac{x}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int \frac{1+x-1}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)- \int 1dx+ \int \frac{1}{1+x}dx \\ =x \ln(1+x)-x+1n(1+x)+c $$ (c为任意常数) ...
View Solution ∫(x−1)dx(1+x)(1+x2) View Solution ∫ln(√1+x+√1−x)dx View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation ...
Answer to: Evaluate the integral. \int_{1}^{2} x \ln x dx By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions...
Evaluate int(1)^(2)(logx)/(x)dx 01:13 Evaluate int0^1 log(sin((pix)/2)) dx 03:56 Evaluate int(log1//3)^(log3)tan((e^(x)-1)/(e^(x)+1))dx 03:39 Evaluate int(0)^(1)(ln(1+x))/(1+x)dx 01:16Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board CBSE Free Textbook Solutions...
解 首先证明对任意的$$ k > 0 , q \in R $$,有$$ \lim _ { x \rightarrow + \infty } \frac { x ^ { k } } { \ln ^ { q } x } = + \infty $$成立,显然,当 $$ q \leq 0 $$时,结论成立,当$$ q > 0 $$时,$$ \lim _ { x \rightarrow + \infty ...
解析 $$ 原式= \sqrt{\frac{1}{\rho _{n}^{lx^{x}}}d(\rho _{m}^{t_{n}^{x}}) \\ = \rho _{n}^{-e_{n}- \ln ^{x}}+c $$ 结果一 题目 积分dx/xlnxln(lnx)ln(ln(lnx))=? 答案 =∫d(lnx)/lnxln(lnx)ln(ln(lnx))=∫dln(lnx)/ln(lnx)ln(ln(lnx...
Answer to: Find \int ln(x) dx. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can also ask your own...
Find the indefinite integral, ∫1xlnx2dx. (Remember to useln(|u|) where appropriate. Integral: U-Substitution: The integrand involves a log term in the denominator. We can simplify this integral by a substitution. if we choose this log term as a ne...
View Solution यदि(X0,Y0)समीकरणों(2x)log2=(3y)log3,3logx=2logyका हल है तोX0का मान है View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8,...