Find \int\limits_0^1 \frac{x}{x^2+4} dx Find dy/dx: y = x ( sin(lnx) + cos(lnx)). Find dy} \over {dx for y = {x^3 \over x^2} - 2. Find dy/dx given that y= \frac{e^{z^3+2}\sec((x^2+1)^4) \tan^4(x^3+2x+4)}{\sqrt{5+3x^3}\sin^5(e^{z^2...
$$ 结果一 题目 求∫xlnxdx 答案 解∫xlnxdx=∫lnxd(x^2)/2=1/2x^2lnx-∫((x^2)/2)d(lnx) =1/2x^2lnx-1/2∫xdx=1/2x^2lnx-1/4x^2+C_1 相关推荐 1求∫xlnxdx 反馈 收藏
int(xlnx)/((x^2-1)^(3/2))dx 04:33 int(e^(x))/((1+x)^(3))dx-int(e^(x))/(2(1+x)^(2))dx= 02:16 (i) \ int \ (x^3-1)/(x^2) \ dx quad (ii)int \ (x^(2//3)+1)dx 01:29 int(xlnx)/(x^(2)-1)^(3//2) dx equals 05:24 निमिन्...
1)∫01(x2-x)dx=(13x3-12x2)|10=-16. (2)∫12(2x2-1x)dx =(23x3-lnx)|21 =163-ln2-23 =143-ln2. (3)∫0π(sinx-cosx)dx =∫0πsinxdx-∫0πcosxdx =(-cosx)|π0-sinx|π0 =2. (4)∫02∣1-x∣dx =∫01(1-x)dx+∫12(x-1)dx =(x-12x2)|10+(12x2-x)...
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Medium Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9,...
Answer to: Find the integral. \\ \int e^x\sin x dx By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You...
【题目】用分部积分法求不定积分xlnxdx,则下列步骤中正确的是( )选择一项:$$ A . \int x \ln x d x = x \ln x - \int \ln x d x $$$ B . \int x \ln x d x = x \ln x - \int x d ( \ln x ) $$$ C . \int x \ln x d x = \frac { x ^ { 2 } } { 2...
int (lnx)^(-1)dx-int(lnx)^(-2)dx किसके बराबर है ? 02:43 int((lnx-1)/((lnx)^(2)+1))dx is equal to Text Solution Evaluate: (i) intsin^4xcos^3x\ dx (ii) intsin^5x\ dx 05:51 intsin^(2)(lnx)dx बराबर है- 07:17...
判别下列反常积分的敛散性∫_0^1(lnx)/(√x)dx; 答案 分析x=0是瑕点,且对任何 ε0 ,lim_(x→+)x^alnx_(=0) (lnx)/(√x)=(x^4lnx)/(x^(n+1)) 只要取 e+1/21 ,就可使∫_0^1(dx)/(x^(n+1/x)) 收敛.由此想到可用1/(√[3](x^2)) 作为比较对象解由于∫_0...
Integral of ln(x + sqrt(x^2 - 1)) dx. Evaluate Integral cos [ln(x + 1) ] dx Evaluate the integral integration of {2 / {(2 ln(x) + 13)^4x} dx}. Evaluate the integrals. A) Integral of x^2 ln(x) dx. B) Integral of (ln x)/(x) dx. Compute the integral lnx over x...