静夜思 李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。译本1:Nightly Thoughts Li Bai 许景城 译 Ere my bed moonlights mound,like rime on the ground.Head up, the moon bright,head down, homesick I'm found!Translated at Bangor University 2017-5-31 注:译文基本五词对原诗五言(中间两行五...
《静夜思》是唐代诗人李白的著名诗作,英文翻译版本有多种,以下是其中一种常见的翻译: I raise my head and gaze at the moon, I lower my head and think of home. The moonlight shines upon my bed, The frost covers the ground. I lift my head and gaze at the moon, I lower my head and thi...
李白《静夜思》20个版本英译赏析 本文收集了李白《静夜思》英译20个版本,你最爱谁的翻译? 静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Nostalgia A splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost? I raise my eyes to the moon, the same moon. As scenes long past come to mind, my e...
静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 In the Quiet of the Night The ground before my bed presents a stretch of light, Which seems to be a tract of frost that’s pure and bright。 I raise my head: a lonely《静夜思》6
《静夜思英语版翻译》:多版本赏析及最佳译文推荐 胡老师 12-13 00:23Hey everyone! Ever wondered how you'd translate that classic Chinese poem, "Quiet Night Thoughts"? It's a piece that's so deeply ingrained in our culture, so full of feeling, that getting the translation just r...
李白的《静夜思》这首诗作为中国古典文学的经典之作,被广泛地传诵和赞赏,同时也被翻译成许多不同的语言。其中,翻译成英文的版本尤其多见,窃以为其可能性的主要原因如下: 首先,英语是世界上最通用的语言之一,拥有着广泛的使用范围和强大的传...
版本一: 静夜思 Мыслитихойночью 李白 ЛиБай (ЛиБо) 床前明月光, Светотяснойлуныпередкроватью, 疑是地上霜。 Какбудтоинейназемле. 举头望明月, Поднимешьголовуивидишьсветлу...
李白《静夜思》60个版本英译赏析 静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Nostalgia A splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost? I raise my eyes to the moon, the same moon. As scenes long past come to mind, my eyes fall again on the splash of white, and my heart ...
李白《静夜思》 10 种英译版本-欣赏 这是一个翻译比较的例子, 可以看看中外大家不同的理解和表达。 《 静夜思 》 李白 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡 。 1).In the Still of the Night I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed. I suspect it to be hoary frost on the ...