简短的英语笑话1 Father's Things When Tom Howard was seventeen years old he was as tall as his father, so he began to borrow Mr. Howard's clothes when he wanted to go out with his friends in the evening. Mr. Howard did not like this, and he always got very angry when he found hi...
简短英语笑话爆笑1 Catherine, pregnant with her first child, paid a visit to her obstetrician's office. After the exam, she shyly began, “My husband wants me to ask you." "I know, I know," the doctor said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I get asked that all the time...
谁说我白,瘦,漂亮,我就和他做朋友。 8. 甲老师在批改英文作文,忽然大发雷霆,“我从来没看过这么烂的英文作文!”乙老师见状问,“写的是什么啊?”甲老师:“写一个王子和公主的故事。” “不错啊!”乙说。“他竟然在开头写王子问公主,can you speak Chinese ?”公主回答:“yes ! 接下来全部都是中文!”...
笑到肚子疼的英语笑话(一) I can’t Cook It It’s sunny day in spring. Miss Cat is fishing. Suddenly the fishing rod moves. “Great! Oh, it’s so heavy!” Miss Cat says happily. The fish is plucked out of the river. “Oh, a big fish! How big the fish is!” She cheers. But...
学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些简单的英语笑话也是提高英语阅读能力的一种,下面小编在这里整理了简单英语小笑话12篇,希望大家会喜欢这些英语笑话! 简单的英语幽默笑话 1 Mike was late for school. He said to his teacher, Mr. Black, "Excuse me for my coming late, sir. I watched a football match...
本文是有关英语笑话故事带翻译,希望对大家有帮助! Two old friends got together after many years and soon fell to discussing their husbands' faults. "We've been married fifteen years," one woman said, "and every night after dinner my husband always complains about the food." "How terrible!" ...
十六个英语冷笑话,看看其中有哪些英语学习的知识点可以帮助到你吧? 1) Q: Why won’t the elephant use the computer? A: He’s afraid of the mouse! (鼠标和老鼠的英文皆为mouse) 2) Q: Which are the stronger days of the week? A: Saturday and Sunday...
简短的英语笑话 1 These Are My Jeans! After going on a diet,a woman felt really good about herself---especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago. “Look,look.” she shouted while running downstairs to show her husband.“I can wear my old jeans...
英语幽默笑话 2 The mothers of four priests got together and were discussing their sons. "My son is a monsignor," said the first proud woman. "When he enters a room, people say, Hello, Monsignor." The second mother went on, "My son is a bishop. When he enters a room, people say,...
英语小笑话带翻译 篇1 He is really somebody -- My uncle has 1000 men under him. -- He is really somebody. What does he do? -- A maintenance man in a cemetery. 他真是一个大人物 -- 我叔叔下面有1000个人。 -- 他真是一个大人物。干什么的? -- 墓地守墓人。 英语小笑话带翻译 篇2 ...