Cu-Zn相图设计方法.doc 摘要 相图是处于平衡状态下体系中的组成、物相关系的几何描述.它是研究物料状态、性质及分离和提纯的重要依据,是冶金、材料、物理、化学、地质等领域中不可缺少的工具。针对二元合金,要研究合金的性能,必须要知道合金的二元相图,在测定相图前,准确选择、设计合理的测定方法非常重要。通过对Cu...
The room temperature phase diagram of Al-Zn-Cu system is the important basis for judging the phase constituents of the materials at the usage condition. New results about the room temperature phase diagram of the low copper side in the Al-Zn-Cu systems have been shown in this study. Miscibi...
1) Mima, G., Hasegava, M., “Phase Diagram of the System Cu-Si-Zn in the Phase Region” (in Japanese), Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai- Shi, 23, 585-587 (1959) (Experimental, Phase Diagram, Morphology, 14) Mima, G., Hasegawa, M., “The Diagram of Cu-Si-Zn Alloy – III”, Techno...
1d,f). Zn-Cu phase diagram indicates a peritectic reaction where a Cu content between 2.7 and 22 wt % results in the formation of a two-phase alloy consisting of a primary ε-CuZn5 dendrites and Zn matrix [62,66,67]. The addition of Mg as an alloying element enhanced the mechanical ...
第六章低Cu的Al-Zn合金中亚稳相转变引起的组织异常细化 (89)6.1 AlZn-2Cu合金退火后的相组成与组织 (90)6.2 AlZn-2Cu合金冷变形后的相组成与组织 (92)6.3 AlZn-2Cu合金组织的异常细化 (93)6.4 小结 (97)本章参考文献 (99)第七章结论 (101)攻博期间发表论文 (103)致谢 (105)作者简历 ...
Piskach, Phase diagram of the Cu2GeSe3-ZnSe system and crystal structure of the Cu2ZnGeSe4 compound, J. Alloys Compd. 329 (2001) 202-207.Phase diagram of the Cu2GeSe3–ZnSe system and crystal structure of the Cu2ZnGeSe4 compound. O. V. Parasyuk L. D. Gulay Ya. E. Romanyuk ...
热力学计算优化 Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 合金成分图 6 Al2Cu 相生成数量随 Zn 含量的变化曲线 Variation of Al2Cu phase amount with Zn content (1w(Mg)=2.0%, w(Cu)=2.5%; 2 w(Mg)=2.0%, w(Cu)=2.2%;3 w(Mg)=2.35%, w(Cu)=2.5%; 4 w(Mg)=2.0%, w(Cu)=1.9%; 5w(Mg%, w(Cu)=2.2%)合...
PHASE DIAGRAM OF Al--Zn--Cu SYSTEM IN LOW COPPER SIDE AT ROOM TEMPERATUREAl-Zn-Cu系室温相图低Cu区的研究 熔制了14个不同成分的Al-Zn-Cu合金,并进行了组织均匀化和平衡冷却至室温的处理.通过显微组织观察,X射线衍射分析和电子探针微区成分分析,测定了这14个合金的相组成及成... CHEN Hui,XIN Xin,RE...