Zn-Mn alloysThe part of binary manganese-zinc phase diagram (alloys containing up to 2% manganese) is analyzed and the expected compositions with increased plasticity are determined in this paper. A special attention is paid to the relation between the composition, microstructure, strain rate, and...
Hori, “Phase Diagram of Manganese-Zinc System,”Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met, 13(3), 167–170 (1972). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; #) Google Scholar R.P. Anantatmula, “Brillouin Zone Effects in ε Phase Albys of the Mn-Zn System,”Scr. Metall., 9(3), 223–238 (...
Matrixes of 60 by 60 indentations were done at constant load up to 2 mN. A constant distance around 5 μm was held between each imprint in order to avoid any overlapping effect. Results were analyzed by InView software (KLA, USA). Prior to nanoindentation studies, the metallic discs were...
may have contributed to the development of the phases closer to the path expected according to the phase diagram (Fig. 2). In such a case, the primary phase tends to decrease as the temperature decreases,i.e., the measured liquid phase may be overestimated. Furthermore, liquid segregation ...
3m ÆÆÆ Th 2 Zn 17SmZn 11 91.7 hP42 P6/mmm ÆÆÆ ÆÆÆSmZn 12 (a) 92.3 tI26 I4/mmm D2 b Mn 12 Th(Zn) 100 hP2 P6 3 /mmc A3 Mg(a) Not shown in Fig. 1Section III: Supplemental Literature ReviewJPEDAV (2013) 34:76–77DOI: 10.1007/s11669-012-0138-...
CALPHAD(CALculation of PHAse Diagram)技术是目前相图评估与预测最常用的手段.通过使用CALPHAD方法,我们可以根据现有的试验数据对各种材料体系的相平衡进行计算,从而可以指导新材料的研制与设计,并大大减少材料研发的成本与周期.本文主要基于CALPHAD方法对Al-Nb,Al-Fe-Mn等铝合金体系的相图热力学进行了详细的优化,同时还...
The phase diagram of the cubic ferromagnet describing possible structural and magnetic transitions is obtained theoretically. This diagram is compared with experimental data on ${mathrm{Ni}}_{2+x}{mathrm{Mn}}_{1ensuremath{-}x}mathrm{... A. N. Vasil’ev,A. D. Bozhko,V. V. Khovailo,....
Mg-12.62Gd-1.28Y-0.93Zn-0.46Mn (this work) Hot extrusion + cold rolling + cold stretching + aging 543 564 1.2 YS: tensile yield strength; UTS: ultimate tensile strength; EL: elongation to fracture. 4. Discussion 4.1. Microstructural evolution during the fabrication processes After...
both structures could be discerned, from which we infer a two-phase mixture. In what follows, we will refer to the MnIn 2 Se 4 structure as the “rhombohedral” phase, and the ZnIn 2 Se 4 structure as the “tetragonal” phase. ...
The solid-liquid reaction gives precisely the Zn-rich corner of the diagram, but the whole diagram is poorly determined. The solid-vapour reaction, by inhibiting the growth of phases having higher zinc chemical potential, allows a better development of intermediate phases towards the Fe-Mn side ...