Summary This document is part of Subvolume A 'Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous Alloys' of Volume 37 'Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys' of Landolt-Brnstein - Group III Condensed Matter.doi:10.1007/10510374_317Y. Kawazoe...
Tsai, A.P., Murakami, Y., Niikuras, A.: The Zn-Mg-Y Phase Diagram Involving Quasicrystals; Philos. Mag. A, 80 (5), 1043-1054 (2000)Tsai AP, Murakami Y, Niikura A (2000) The Zn-Mg-Y phase diagram involving quasicrystals. Philos Mag Lett 80:1043-1054....
However, there are very few known phase diagrams of Mg and magnesium alloys with rare earth elements. In this work we study the construction of the phase diagram of Mg-Zn alloyed with Pr, a light R.E. element, Y, and Er, a heavy R.E. element respectively using the Thermo-Calc [1]...
This research investigates a small portion of (Zn,Mg)O phase diagram in order to clarify the solubility limit of MgO in ZnO. Grain size measurements, x-ray diffraction measurements, and photoluminescence measurements were used to investigate the composition dependence of lattice p...
The covalent bond of Al 37 Zn 1 Mg 2 was stronger than that of Al 49 Zn 2 Mg 1 and Al 34 -Zn 1 Mg 1 , and the structure of Al 37 Zn 1 Mg 2 was the most stable.Key words phase diagram, second phases, solid solutions, formation enthalpy, cohesive energy, intrinsic properties0...
may have contributed to the development of the phases closer to the path expected according to the phase diagram (Fig. 2). In such a case, the primary phase tends to decrease as the temperature decreases,i.e., the measured liquid phase may be overestimated. Furthermore, liquid segregation ...
1d,f). Zn-Cu phase diagram indicates a peritectic reaction where a Cu content between 2.7 and 22 wt % results in the formation of a two-phase alloy consisting of a primary ε-CuZn5 dendrites and Zn matrix [62,66,67]. The addition of Mg as an alloying element enhanced the mechanical ...
图1 Zn-Mg二元合金相图Fig.1 Phase diagram of Zn-Mg alloy 图2 Zn-1.5Mg合金铸态和均匀化后的XRD分析结果Fig.2 XRD analysis results of Zn-1.5Mg alloy as cast and after homogenization treatment 图2显示经过均匀化处理后,合金中未检测到MgZn2相存在,均匀化后合金组织主要由η-Zn和Mg2Zn11相组成.Zn...
[0018] 发明人采用Factsage软件PhaseDiagram(相图模块)和热力学数据库SGTE(溶液、纯物质和化合物数据库)与镁基数据库,绘制平衡条件下Zn、Y含量对Mg-Zn-Y合金准 晶形成数量的影响示意图。如图14可知,当Zn含量为9wt. %,Y含量为2wt. %时,准晶数 量最多。尽管Y含量为3wt. %时的准晶数量更多,但是根据凝固理论...
phase diagramternary systemspace groupThe isothermal section of the phase diagram of Ce-Mg-Zn ternary system at 470 K in a full concentration range was built, and a formation of seven ternary compounds was observed. For five ternary compounds: tau 1 - Ce 3(Zn 0.863Mg 0.137) 11 (Immm ...