When it comes to active safety and advanced emergency braking, we are your partner of choice. Here you find some facts&figures substantiating our expertise View OnGuardMAX Fact Sheet Consider to explore this document to learn more about the differentiating aspects of our most advanced autonomous em...
Technology Added Value Through the Right Technology Fleet managers and car dealers alike face challenges when it comes to optimally equipping their fleet. The choice has a direct impact on fleet costs, driver satisfaction and their health and safety. With smart solutions, such as the AKC rear-axl...
Zf Active Safety And Electronics Us 提单记录 获取进口商完整的进口记录 更新: 2025-02-21 概述 提单记录 供应商 关于 全部提单记录 1,208 数据范围 付费会员可见 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 3年 所有 2006-11-01 - 2025-02-22 2006-11-01到2025-02-22之间的所有提单记录 数据范围 付费会员可...
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“I look back with pride on a very committed and engaging time at ZF, which was characterized by an active transformation of the business units entrusted to me, especially by the recent merger of the Car Chassis Technology and Active Safety Technology divisions to create the new Chassis Solution...
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“The Evasive Maneuver Assist prototype demonstrates WABCO’s and ZF’s leadership in developing advanced safety technologies for commercial vehicles. EMA connects WABCO’s braking and stability control systems with ZF’s active steering solution for the ...
“The suspension used is driven by cost, vehicle architecture and functional requirements,” says Memmel. “Active hydro-pneumatic systems are used where the highest level of functionality is to be implemented. The drawbacks of these systems are system cost, tuneability of damping function and power...
USA Organiser: Cambridge Healthtech Insitute More events on page 12 Gene Logic and Organon collaborate on new pharma applications Gene Logic Inc and Organon have entered into a drug repositioning agreement to seek alternative development paths for multiple drug candidates for which Organon previously dis...
With the steer-by-wire steering system, ZF is bringing manual, assisted and automated driving to a new level – for more safety and comfort on the road.