ZF's product portfolio includes innovative driveline and chassis technology for passenger cars with conventional driveline as well as for hybrid and electric vehicles. In addition, ZF offers both components and systems for active and passive safety technology. ZF is shaping the future of mobility with...
(Trnava, Levice, Komárno, Šahy and Detva) and by ZF Active Safety Slovakia s.r.o. (Nové Mesto nad Váhom). The total annual revenue of the Slovak plants amount to more than € 800 million, and the company employs more than 4,100 people in the country. More detailed information...
如下图所示上半部为包含犬牙离合器F的输出齿轮支架(其最终固定在变速箱箱体上)。图中黄色标示A即为犬牙离合器F激活Active液压管路。黄色标示R即为犬牙离合器F释放Release液压管路。图中下半部分第三四排行星齿轮组太阳轮。 ↑ZF9HP换挡机构的犬牙离合器F细节 如上细节图中中心内部包含的即为犬牙离合器F(处于较高...
如下图所示上半部为包含犬牙离合器F的输出齿轮支架(其最终固定在变速箱箱体上)。图中黄色标示A即为犬牙离合器F激活Active液压管路。黄色标示R即为犬牙离合器F释放Release液压管路。图中下半部分第三四排行星齿轮组太阳轮。 ↑ZF 9HP换挡机构的犬牙离合器F细节 如上细节图中中心内部包含的即为犬牙离合器F(处于较...
AKC system number 500,000 (Active Kinematics Control) rolls off the line just six years after start of production Production milestone underlines ZF's leadership in Vehicle Motion Control New assembly line in Lebring to serve increasing demand Dieli
不论是微混或是全混,采埃孚(ZF)可以根据变速器不同的混合动力程度,为客户度身定制具体的解决方案。比如在此次试驾中,记者就体验了装备采埃孚(ZF)8挡混合动力版自动变速器的宝马Active hybrid 7、奥迪Q5 hybrid quattro以及装备了采埃孚(ZF)混合动力模块的大众Jetta混合动力轿车。
Welcome to ZF in Czech Republic. ZF is a global leader in the market for driveline and chassis technology. It also develops technologies for active and passive safety. It is globally one of the most significant suppliers for the automotive industry.
-パッシブ・セミアクティブダンパー (Passive and semi-active dampers)-アクティブシャシーシステム (Electromechanical active chassis systems)-シャシーコンポーネント (Chassis components)-シャシーシステム&モジュール (Chassis systems & Modules)-シャシーアクチュエーター (Chassis actuator...
主动式座椅集成安全带张紧器ACR8.S紧凑型设计需要很少的安装空间 当前的第四代主动控制ACR8(Active Control Retractor)主动式安全带张紧器采用电动卷收器技术。可以通过在预碰撞、避让操作和其他高度动态场景中反向预张紧来增强对乘员的保护。它还支持通过减少乘客位移来引入自动紧急制动(AEB)和紧急转向辅助(ESA)...
这便是采埃孚售后(ZF Aftermarket)为何首次在独立售后市场以旗下威伯科(WABCO)品牌提供商用车传感器的原因。采埃孚售后(ZF Aftermarket)为许多DAF和依维柯商用车车型提供原厂规格和质量的OnLaneALERT 车道偏离警告系统的前置摄像头和OnGuardACTIVE自动紧急制动系统的雷达传感器,包括必要的支架和盖板。拥有上述配件后,维修厂...