WECKER PAUL (DE) MARCONCIN MAURO (US) Application Number: DE102023203676A Publication Date: 10/26/2023 Filing Date: 04/21/2023 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: ZF ACTIVE SAFETY GMBH (Koblenz, DE) ZF ACTIVE SAFETY US INC (Livonia, MI, US) ...
Inventors: GANZEL BLAISE (US) Application Number: DE102022212932A Publication Date: 06/15/2023 Filing Date: 12/01/2022 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: ZF ACTIVE SAFETY US INC (Livonia, MI, US) International Classes: ...
When it comes to active safety and advanced emergency braking, we are your partner of choice. Here you find some facts&figures substantiating our expertise View OnGuardMAX Fact Sheet Consider to explore this document to learn more about the differentiating aspects of our most advanced autonomous em...
Definition: What is Integrated Vehicle Safety? Integrated vehicle safety connects active and passive safety technology. Improving integrated vehicle safety goes hand in hand with the development of autonomous and automated driving. Integrated safety enhances comfort, convenience and driver support with easy...
1999年01月Bosch GmbH合资成立转向系统生产公司ZF Lenksysteme GmbH。 1999年08月ZF Linksysteme与日本汽车机器合资成立转向系统生产公司。 1999年夏投资Lemforder Metallwaren AG法国橡胶零部件供应商Turover SA。 1999年06月与美国Meritor Automotive Inc.折半出资成立ZF Meritor LLC。
Specialist engineers in active safety, chassis and software have adapted ZF technologies and applied them to motorbikes and all terrain vehicles to increase both driving fun and safety. Innovative damping technologies can be applied to various categories of vehicles if it is adapted accordingly. ...
Zf Active Safety Us Inc Braking & S 提单记录 获取进口商完整的进口记录 更新: 2024-11-21 概述 提单记录 供应商 关于 全部提单记录 547 数据范围 付费会员可见 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 3年 所有 2006-11-01 - 2024-11-23 2006-11-01到2024-11-23之间的所有提单记录 数据范围 付费会员可...
ZF Race Engineering GmbHErnst-Sachs-Straße 6297424 SchweinfurtGermany Tel. +49 (0)9721 98-4300Fax +49 (0)9721 98-4299E-mail: service.zre@zf.com www.zf.com/motorsport Downloads: General Terms and Conditions of ZF Race Engineering GmbH (pdf, 155 KB) How to find us (pdf, 958 KB...
2017年10月Meritor WABCO合弁会社のMeritor持分50%を取得。 2017年12月南アフリカのSturrock and Robson Industriesとの合弁会社の残り51%持分を取得。 2020年5月ZFが全ての監督当局による承認を受け、WABCOの買収を完了したと発表。 2022年1月ZFの商用車コントロールシステム事業部として運営されてい...
“I look back with pride on a very committed and engaging time at ZF, which was characterized by an active transformation of the business units entrusted to me, especially by the recent merger of the Car Chassis Technology and Active Safety Technology divisions to create the new Chassis ...