vale zumba(最新) tanrrannn 255 0 【羽生结弦】这才是少年天花板!也就看了亿遍! B站冰雪季超燃登场 Sunny Funny Zumba 尊巴 | 58分 Sunny 尊巴 | Diet Dance | 舞蹈 SunnyFunny尊巴 8.5万 67 Sunny Funny Zumba 尊巴 | Fitness | 78分 Sunny 尊巴 | 78分 Dance Diet | 舞蹈 SunnyFunny尊巴 5.3...
桑越啊创建的收藏夹健身内容:【减脂瘦身操】最爱的youtube尊巴zumba精简版(剪教学休息),如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览 How to Get Dance Video Download for Beginners Dance is a great way to enjoy life and keep health. There are many kinds of dances, including Zumba, hip pop, classical dance, ballet, etc. For beginners, they can watch dan...
强烈安利韩国这个超级热门的燃脂舞,bgm是《Señorita》,动作根据Zumba改编,有趣又有效,快点码住跳起来吧!! 不正经UP主的日常更新 259.3万 播放 · 552 弹幕 Super Junior减肥舞蹈合集 ▏跟着泰国小哥哥Golfy跳舞减肥 ▏持更 吸口奶茶再减肥 14.8万 播放 · 147 弹幕 爱豆减肥舞(mylee dance+just dance)每天...
【30分钟】AI LEE的HIIT高强度间歇训练(一)__Strong Zumba尊巴瘦身减脂操 147 -- 34:03 App 【30分钟】宅家拳击操有氧训练_30-Minute At-Home Boxing Workout 127 -- 28:25 App 【30分钟】尊巴舞蹈训练第一部分_Zumba Dance Workout. Part - 1. 3.4万 56 36:06 App 燃脂500大卡!30分钟站立有氧HII...
Workout Video:15 min INTENSE CORE WORKOUT // No Wrists 5. 10-Minute Lower Belly Zumba Class Dance your heart out with this quick 10-minute zumba routine for an early morning or afternoon workout. Zumba first originated in Colombia in the mid-1990’s, created by Colombian aerobics instructo...