The niyamas are practices conducive to spiritual development: sauca (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (persistence), svadhyaya (study of sacred scriptures), and isvara pranidhana (contemplation of the divine). The yamas and niyamas are an example of the coalescence of deontological, ...
In the eight limbs, theyamasandniyamasare the pillars for yogic growth. And, they could very well be the foundation for success in life too… These 10 restraints and observances seem simple at first, but regular and diligent practice of them is not easy; as you have to be constantly vigil...
YAMAS & NIYAMAS, #1-2 (Yoga Sutras 2.30-2.34) Yoga Sutras 2.30-2.31: The 5 Yamas, rung #1 Yoga Sutra 2.32: The 5 Niyamas, rung #2 Yoga Sutra 2.33: When negative, remind yourself this brings misery and ignorance Yoga Sutra 2.34: Negativity is 27 types ...
Obviously, yoga is about way more than yoga postures. Yoga is intense study and also — importantly — available and accessible to all of us. Perhaps you have tried “yoga” and maybe you love it and maybe you have decided it’s just not for you. Either way, maybe it is time to loo...
The Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali is one of the most popular texts dealing with yoga philosophy. Widely influenced by the great Indian sage Patanjali, most modern-day yoga student’s first introduction to philosophy is through their introduction to the Yamas and Niyamas or in hearing the words “...
Patanjali’sYoga Sutra, or we can simply focus on the physical practice of asana. If we choose the whole of yoga, the first two steps on the ladder of the eightfold path are the yamas and niyamas. These ethical and spiritual observances help us develop the more profound qualities of our ...
dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. Yamas and niyamas present moral, ethical and social guidelines that help us cleanse the mind and prepare us for other limbs of yoga. Pratyahara is the ability to turn the senses inward. Dharana, dhyana, and samadhi are a continuum of deepening meditation practic...
The Yogic Code of Conduct: Yamas & Niyamas October 6, 2020bySummersaltinYoga practice By Leah Sugerman, Summersalt yoga teacher Most of us know yoga as a physical exercise class to help us gain strength and flexibility. But, yoga’s roots run much deeper. The ...
In about 400 BCE Patanjali, often considered the father of classical yoga, compliedThe Yoga Sutraswhich detailed the Eight Limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga.) This includes ethical guidelines (yamas and niyamas), physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditative absorption (samadhi...
The postures, asanas, are the most recognized aspect of yoga, however there are the yamas & niyamas, pranayama ( breath practices), meditation, and self understanding as well. Some days our practice out of the studio may be to take 3 breaths before we open our laptop. Other days it ...