Incorporateishvara prandihana(devotion to a higher power) into your yoga practice with an asana, mantra, and mudra to bring into focus the subtle and not-so-subtle ways this niyama plays out in your life. Ishvara pranidhanatranslates to “bowing” or “recognizing the source.” This can be...
As yoga teachers, we have a choice. We can live and teach the whole of yoga as delineated in Patanjali’sYoga Sutra, or we can simply focus on the physical practice of asana. If we choose the whole of yoga, the first two steps on the ladder of the eightfold path are the yamas and...
The Yamas are the first limb of theEight Limbs of Yogaand are considered the foundation of the whole yoga practice. Yamas are a set of moral and ethical principles that guideyogi’sbehaviour towards themselves and others. In this article, we will explore the yamas in more detail and provide...
social work practiceyogaYoga has gained popularity in the West as not only a method of physical exercise, but also for many, as a source of healing, social transformation and a way of life. Despite this, little literature exists examining the utility of yoga and its philosophical roots for ...
I really connected to the understandings of the yamas in this well written format. It was broken down and involved a more English understanding. I have always been what my mother calls a why child. I have been trying to setup a daily yoga practice but all the videos and books never real...
Take your Yama off of your mat.Once you are comfortable and competent in using your chosen Yama in your yoga or meditation practice, you can begin to practice it in your day-to-day life. As you move out of the controlled and defined environment of your practice, you may feel like you...
I conserve my energy by not overindulging in work, sex, eating and sleeping so that I can have time and energy to do my Yoga practice, serve others(seva/karma yoga) and get outside to enjoy nature with friends and family. I recognize the environmental impact of a growing world population...
These 10 restraints and observances seem simple at first, but regular and diligent practice of them is not easy; as you have to be constantly vigilant and conscious of everything you think, say and do. Here are my interpretations of the 10yamasandniyamas, a key part of the yoga philosophy...
Himalayan Meditation: Practice the 5 Yamas with Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls & Bells来自:Mindfulness Meditation Music Spa Maestro无 收藏 共30首歌 Non-PossessivenessMindfulness Meditation Music Spa Maestro Code of YogaMindfulness Meditation Music Spa Maestro Use of BreathMindfulness Meditation Music Spa ...
A business vintage sign that says `Come in We`re Open` on Cafe Editors' choice Asian mom practice yoga at home with a adorable daughter sitting next to her, trying to imitate the mother`s posture Illustrations Christmas seamless pattern background, with cute cartoon of Santa Claus head, orna...